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Career College: Working as a Consultant - Faculty of LUMC / Science

Are you consindering a career in consultancy but not really sure what it entails? Then this Career College could help you gain insight into the career opportunities related to consultancy.

Training course

Are you considering a career in consultancy but not sure what it really entails? Then this Career College could help you gain insight into the career opportunities related to consultancy. A diverse panel will share their career paths and experiences in the field.

It is with great pleasure to present the panel members who will be joining this event:

  • Christiaan de Vries – Consultant at Roland Berger (Educational background: Medicine, Health Economics)
  • Folkert Kan – Strategist/Consultant at Gupta Strategists (Educational background: Life Sciences & Technology)
  • Ralph Bos – Data & Business Intelligence Consultant at Fortezza (Educational background: ICT in Business)
  • Laura Groen – Technology Consultant at Accenture (Educational background: Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences)

There will be opportunity to discuss and ask questions like:

  • What motivation did they have to start a career in consultancy?
  • Whichs skills are necessary to be a succesful consultant?
  • What does a typical day look like at the job?
  • Is a specific background essential for work in consultancy?
  • How can consultancy be applied in jobs outside the typical "science" industry?

Join the discussion and ask your questions about the opportunities and challenges, frustrations and success factors of working in consultancy.

This Career College is free of charge and available to all students and recent graduates of the Faculty of LUMC and Science.

Please note: This Career College will take place online via Kaltura. If you register for the event you will receive further details and the link to the Kaltura live room a day before the event at the latest. 

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