Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Visual arts

Card making: the language of flowers

Friday 11 October, 12.30 to 14.00 (one week earlier than originally announced)

Annet Breure

Who's it for?
All welcome!

In this workshop, participants will have the chance to make two cards each using natural, dried flowers. With the flowers I talk about the traditional symbolism and history, 'the language of flowers', which was especially popular in the 19th century and early 20th century, so that you know what you are sending. With the 'forget-me-not' the message is already in the name of the plant, but there are even more flowers with meaning! I will also explain where and in which season the plants can be found and how participants can dry them at home. You can also work with graphite and frottage techniques, which results in a black and white, very detailed print of the plants with veins clearly visible.

Annet Breure is an Arabist and Plant Storyteller.
Her first job was at the historical theme park Archeon. She learned a lot about the practical use of plants, which knowledge and experience she uses in her workshops, such as twining nettles, fibres and tree bark. 
'I love pouring over books and during my training as an Arabist I learned to do critical source research. Both the smell of yellowed pages and withered leaves in the forest make my heart beat faster!
Plants inspire people in art and popular culture: of course, because we live together on this planet. It is interesting how their healing effect is intertwined with, for example, spirituality. So I have a broad approach in my plant stories.  I choose stories that can inspire and broaden our view of the world.'

If the registration link doesn't work, please contact the LAK by sending an email to info@lakcursussen.nl.

Anyone who registers for a LAK course agrees to the LAK term terms and conditions.

Sign up on time! Workshops only go ahead if enough participants have signed up (this will be decided one week in advance).

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