Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Dance

Hoop dance: The hoop as a tool for expression

Saturday 24 May from 13:30-15:00 h

Chèl van der Plas

For whom
Anyone who wants to learn more about hoopdance is welcome at this workshop.

This workshop is an introduction to hoop dance. In this art form, which falls under the Flowarts, the hoop is used as a tool for expression and self-development.
During this workshop we will learn some of the many cool tricks that you can do with a hoop.
Have you never been able to hold up a hoop around your waist? Don't worry! During this workshop we will focus on other ways in which you can use the hoop, also called 'off body' hooping tricks.

Curious about what is possible with a hoop? Then sign up for this workshop.

You don't have to buy a hoop yourself for this workshop. Hoops are provided.

Chèl van der Plas (they/them) is a versatile flow artist, who knows how to combine dance with flow. Under the name BabeBurnz, it performs with fire, LED and daytime props.
By means of hoops, poi, fans, pixel whip and fire food, "Babeburnz knows how to put on a show that enchants the audience. Authentic, confident and fluid are characteristic of his performance style. "

If the registration link doesn't work, please contact the LAK by sending an email to info@lakcursussen.nl.

Anyone who registers for a LAK course agrees to the LAK term terms and conditions.

Sign up on time! Workshops only go ahead if enough participants have signed up (this will be decided one week in advance).


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