Arts and leisure - Visual arts
Wet felting workshop: design your own case or bag
Saturday 24 May 13:00-16:00 h
- Teacher
- Margot van Leeuwen

For whom
Everybody welcome.
Felt is the oldest form of textile. In this workshop you will be introduced to the ancient craft of felt making. With nothing but loose wool, water, soap and friction with your hands, you can make your own fabric. By placing it around a mold, a three-dimensional shape is created that can be made from one piece. You will learn how to make that mold to your own design, how to lay and wet the wool and how to get the desired shape. You can make a small bag or a custom case, with color combinations and decorations of your choice.
Materials are available in the workshop.
Margot van Leeuwen (VIVAVILT | Handmade felt art) is a textile designer and has been working with wool for many years. First with soft Australian Merino wool, but nowadays mainly with local wool of different breeds. She makes wall panels and acoustic panels on behalf of interior architects.
"Feeling the wool under your hands turn into a textile fabric is a magical process. Wool has so many special properties. The sheep sheared skins that I use in my work have no economic value and are often thrown away. With love and a lot of patience I turn it into a beautiful work of art that brings nature into your home. I dye my wool myself with plants from my garden. That gives an extra dimension to my work."
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Sign up on time! Workshops only go ahead if enough participants have signed up (this will be decided one week in advance).