Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Visual arts

Botanical lino cutting

Tuesday from 10:00-12:30 h (start 2 weeks later than originally planned)

Arjenne Fakkel

For whom
For everyone interested in botanical drawing and linoleum cutting.

In this course you will first learn to make a botanical drawing.
We translate this drawing into a design for a linocut in the second lesson. Then you gouge away the parts that you do not want to print/see and when that is done you make your linoleum print.
At the end of the course you have learned what a botanical drawing consists of, how to make a design for a linoleum cut, you have been introduced to gouging and you can make a beautiful print of your linoleum. And you go home with your own unique, homemade Tote bag, with lino print.

The course includes use of material during the lessons.
For at home you can buy a linocut set or other materials at Terpentijn. The first lesson you receive a LAK student card that gives you a 10% discount at Terpentijn.

The lessons are given by visual artist and art teacher Arjenne Fakkel. Arjenne graduated from the KABK in The Hague. She has her studio in Leiden and teaches in various places, including the Lakenhal Museum. She developed, among other things, workshops for people with dementia and their carers and is active for Kunstoprecept. She masters the Dutch sign language.

Isn't the registration link working? Please contact the LAK via info@lakcursussen.nl or t: 071 -5272317

Anyone who registers for a LAK course, thereby agrees to the LAK term terms and conditions.

Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be decided a week before the start).

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