Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Theater and presentation | Visual arts | Writing | Body & Mind | Music

Creativity for beginners

Tuesday from 17:00-18:45 h (Start date postponed to 15 Oct)

Ayana Jung

For whom
This course is for anyone aged 17 and over who wants to (re)connect with their own creativity. No experience required!

The aim of this course is to get in touch with your own creativity in an accessible way. Do you also want more confidence in your own abilities, get out of your daily grind and take on a new challenge?

Each week focuses on a different creative form of expression. Many people have lost sight of their creativity over the years: maybe it was a teacher at school who gave your drawing an unsatisfactory mark, or your environment who didn't appreciate your music... Maybe you even started to believe that you are completely are not creative! Nothing is less true.
If you want to bring creativity back into your life, this is the place for you. The aim of the course is not to produce “something good”, but rather to reconnect with your creative inspiration, however it manifests itself. I do not give grades or assessments, only tailor-made guidance for your creative process!

Overview of the weekly themes
1. Introduction to creativity, awareness of (internal) obstacles, entry-level exercises based on improvisational theater (studio 2.33)
2. Movement and impulse (studio 2.33)
3. Visual: drawing (studio 1.44)
4. Visual: collage and inspiration collection of story formation (studio 1.44) 
5. Music : a music circle where everyone can make their own contribution (singing, rhythm, instrument…) (music studio 2.34)
6. Text: free writing and poetry (lecture room 2.05 Lipsius) 
7. Improvisation Theatre: Reaction and Collaboration ( Studio 2.33)
8. Final project: creative life (music studio 2.34)

Max. participants: 8

Ayana Jung is a creative trainer and creativity coach. She has an MSc. in Talent Development and Creativity and guides people in rediscovering the connection with their own creativity. Her company Brave Space Training and Coaching offers various workshops with elements of, among other things, improvisational theatre, mindfulness, movement and free writing. More info on www.bravespace.nl 

Isn't the registration link working? Please contact the LAK via info@lakcursussen.nl or tel: 071 -  5272317

Anyone who registers for a LAK course, thereby agrees to the LAK term and conditions.

Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be viewed a week before the start).

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