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Mentor Network live: alumni speed dating

Which sectors can I go into with my degree? How did others get their jobs? How do I expand my network? These are all questions you can get answers to from our alumni during Mentor Network live: alumni speed dating, on Wednesday 17 April!

Loes Nordlohne  (Loopbaanadviseur) Sanderien de Jong  (Alumni officer)
alumni speed dating

During this speed date, you will talk live with various alumni from our faculty. You can ask them questions not only about their jobs or the industry in which they work, but also about how they arrived at their current position. A drinks event will also be hosted after the speed date where you have plenty of time to talk and network with the alumni.

Which alumni will participate in the speed date on 17 April?

- André van Deursen, Architecture at TU Delft and Arts&Culture: Architecture at Leiden University, Architect at Studio D11 Architecten
- Matthijs van Lente, English Language and Culture, ICLON WTTP teacher,  teacher at Hogeschool Rotterdam
- Leony van der Splinter, History, Senior Policy Officer, alumni and diversity officer at Leiden University
- Christiaan van Minnen, Classics, Director/owner of INDEX Books
- Eelco Nagelsmit,  Art History, PhD and teacher at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Joke Bruynzeel, Chinastudies BA + Asian Studies MA,  mentor International Business for Asia at Chinpro en Hogeschool R'dam
- Evert de Vos, History,  Chief editor De Groene at De Groene Amsterdammer
- Ingrid Mitrasing, History (Southeast Asia/17th century), independent scholar
- Marein Smits, Philosophy/Law, lawyer at Wintertaling
- Mariska Heijmen,  Dutch language and culture / Book and Digital Media Studies, book editor at Maven Publishing

Speed date: 16.30 - 18.00

Network drinks: 18.00 - 19.00

Cost: €2.50, including drinks

Did you know that all alumni participating in the speed date are also available as mentors in Leiden University’s mentor network?

This online platform makes it easy to approach alumni with questions on such topics as choice of master’s or the initial steps on the job market. Mentors on the platform work in various fields, such as government, business, education and the cultural sector. They are happy to advise students about their choices on the labour market and share their knowledge and experience.

Sign up quickly (select Mentor Network live). The number of places is limited!

This workshop is intended for Humanities students and former students up to a year after graduating.

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