PhD training Case Study and Comparative Methods
Every empirical research deals with at least one case. Choosing the right case and justifying your case study choice is one of the most important steps in any publication or dissertation. Getting this right will help you achieve a milestone in your research.
- Target group
PhD candidate - Teacher
- Seda Gürkan (Assistant professor)
- Method
Training course
The training will provide a summary of case study research with a focus on approaches to case selection and types of cases. We will discuss what a case is, different types of cases in the light of different ontological and epistemological approaches (positivism vs interpretivism), advantages and disadvantages of single case study design as well as different types of case selection. The training will also introduce different types of comparisons and discuss advantages/disadvantages of using case study vs comparative method.
Aim of the training
The aim of this training is twofold:
- To explain what a researcher can achieve through case study (what is a case study and what is it good for and how to choose cases);
- To introduce different types of comparisons in social science studies and discuss how they relate to different research objectives/research questions.
For whom?
This course targets all PhD candidates who would like to deepen their knowledge on qualitative case study and comparative methods.
This training is primarily organised for PhD candidates of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), however there are limited spaces available for the PhD candidates’ of other Faculties on a first come, first serve basis.
Please register via this form before 16 May 2024, and mention if you would like to attend the training online or in person.