Universiteit Leiden

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Student Guide

Everything you want to know about studying, student support, practical matters, and recreation.

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Welcome at Humanities


>> Video: This is how you can have a say in faculty matters!

About your programme

Student services

The student services are the central student information center of the Faculty of Humanities. Here you can ask general questions about education systems, (exam) registration for core curriculum courses, minors and electives, admission procedures, à la carte education, and contract education. You can also come here with course registration problems.

The student services are located in the Lipsius hall near the LIPS desk. There's always a staff member present to answer your questions. There's also an extensive website where you can find the answers to frequently asked questions: universiteitleiden.nl/fgw-faq

Plexus: frontoffice student affairs

Various facilities for students are offered in the Plexus Student Centre. At the Student Affairs Front Office, you can ask questions about your (de)registration, your student card, LU card, tuition fees, study financing, financial matters, etc.

The Student Support Services assist you with achieving study success. Psychologists for students can help you improve study skills or learn to study strategically, take exams, reduce fear of failure and tackle procrastination. And student deans can help you with questions about study delay, legal status, and regulations. For example, questions about study delay due to illness or personal circumstances, top-class sports, the BSA, or money matters such as student grants.

Log in with your student account to use these services:

Inclusive education

>> Video: Get to know the POPcorner

Get the most out of your studies






University Library

The University Library (UB) is the general library of Leiden University where all students can come to study and request, collect and return books.

Most books and journals are in closed stacks which you must request via the digital catalogue. Once you've requested a book or magazine, you can usually pick it up after an hour at the lockers next to the information desk. In the study rooms, books are arranged by subject; these books may be used by anyone, but cannot be borrowed.

You'll also find many study and computer workplaces in the UB. In addition, you can use an individual study cabinet or special group rooms where you can talk and collaborate with each other in hushed tones.

Discover Leiden's student life

Study associations

Almost every study programme has a study association that organises interesting excursions, lectures, get-togethers, and study trips. Members hardly ever have any obligations and often, as a member, you get discounts on textbooks or can join a committee. Find your study association at universiteitleiden.nl/fgw-studieverenigingen!

Student associations

Student life's known for its student associations. These associations are a good way to get to know many people quickly. Moreover, they often throw parties and you can take advantage of their offerings in the field of sports and culture. Leiden has many social associations, but also international associations and religious associations. A complete overview can be found on the website of the local chamber of associations: pkvv.nl!

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