Universiteit Leiden

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Compete for the Thoolen NJCM Thesis Prize!

4 March 2025

The Thoolen NJCM Thesis Prize is awarded every two years to the best master’s thesis on human rights written in the Netherlands. The prize aims to motivate students to commit to protecting and developing human rights in their future career. 


In order to compete, four copies of your thesis should be submitted to the office of the NJCM (Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists) by 1 November 2025 at the latest. Your thesis must have been written in academic year 2023-2024 or 2024-2025. It may be written in Dutch or English. The winner will receive a cash prize. For all other conditions, see the Regulations.


The submissions will be assessed by a jury of prominent legal experts:

•    Hans Thoolen, LLM, co-founder and first chairman NJCM
•    Dr Ineke Boerefijn, LLM, coordinating policy advisor, Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
•    Dr Michiel van Emmerik, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law,  Radboud University
•    Marilyn Haimé, LLM, retired former Director of Civic Integration

•    Professor Jasper Krommendijk, Professor of Human Rights, Radboud University
•    Professor Rick Lawson, Professor of European Law, Leiden University
•    Tamara Trotman, LLM, justice at the Supreme Court

About the NCJM

The Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists (Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten, NJCM) is an organisation in the Netherlands dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights. With this thesis prize, it aims to encourage future lawyers to engage in research on this important topic. You can find more information about the NJCM's student competitions here.

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