Education, Social
Write a thesis with social impact at Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam and are you starting your thesis around February? Maybe the Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest is something for you! The Thesis Hub links students to current issues from The Hague Southwest, nominated by residents, housing corporations, the municipality of The Hague, the GGD or other stakeholders. If you write your thesis at Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest, you get will receive an unique opportunity to attend educational workshops, build a network and above all, your thesis has a chance to make lasting impact.
Do you want to know more? Then reigster now for the online information session on January 22nd from 12:00 till 13:00 or visit the Thesis Hub website or watch this video. Registration for the information session is non-binding.
If you have any questions, you can send an e-mail to
Do you want to write your thesis at the Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest, do not hesitate and sign up now for the new cohort,
Register now
About Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest
Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest is an intiative of the LDE-alliance. The vision of the thesis workshop in The Hague Southwest is to strengthen the connection between education, research, practice, and policy and to make higher education have a relevant impact in today's world. This is achieved by bringing together the universities of Leiden, Delft, and Rotterdam with the people from the community in The Hague Southwest and the municipality of The Hague. Collaboration based on a win-win situation is paramount. The thesis workshop aims to be a knowledge hub for The Hague Southwest; like a 'roost' where students may come and go, but the acquired knowledge remains available for stakeholders and future students engaging in research.