How do I customize my email notifications in Brightspace?
Students regularly receive notifications from Brightspace in their e-mail inbox. Notifications from Brightspace can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if multiple notifications land in your inbox each day. These updates are meant to keep you informed of important course information, but it is also possible to customize your notification preferences. By managing the settings in Brightspace, you can choose which notifications you receive in your inbox so that you only see the messages that are most relevant to you.
*Please note! Only email notifications can be changed, notifications in Brightspace itself cannot be turned off.
Notification settings
By default, you will receive an email when the following events occur in Brightspace:
- A new announcement is available
- An announcement has been updated
- Feedback for an assignment is released
- Feedback for an assignment has been updated
- A new grade has been released
- A grade has been updated

customizing your notifications
To customize the notifications you receive your mailbox, you must start on the Brightspace home page.
- Click on your name in the minibar.
- Select Notifications.
You will then be taken to a page where you can adjust the settings for receiving notifications.
- To which email address you want to receive notifications.
- What you want to receive notifications for.
- Whether you want to receive a summary of your notifications.
Learn more about email notifications and Brightspace