Course: The World of Sandro Botticelli (6ECTS)
Dear BA- and MA-students,
From 1-9 March 2025, the Dutch Institute for Art History in Florence (NIKI) offers an exciting course called “The World of Sandro Botticelli” (6 ECTS). You are all cordially invited to apply! This course is an excellent opportunity to dive deep into the work of Botticelli, who we all know from famous paintings like the Primavera and the Birth of Venus. During this course you will investigate Botticelli’s contacts with fellow artists (like Filippo Lippi and Leonardo da Vinci), patrons and humanists.
Participants stay at the Dutch Institute for a small charge of €10-, per night. If you want to apply, please send a motivation letter and cv to the instructor, Dr. Gert Jan van der Sman ( Deadline is 15 December 2024.
More information can be found on the website of the NIKI ( If you have any further questions, please email Eric Boot ( or Coen Meurs (
This course is a great chance to study one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance in the very city in which he worked!
Best wishes,
Eric Boot
Coen Meurs
NIKI-Ambassadors for Leiden University