Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Organisation, Human resources

Wanted: student-members Programme Committee 2024-2025

2 September 2024

Are you a CADS student and would you like to talk along about the quality of the education programme? Do you have good communication skills and would you like to be the link between students and teachers? Then apply as a student member of the programme committee before Friday September 13th at 17:00!

The tasks of a student-member

The CADS programme committee consists of a few teachers, 4 students & a secretary. The committee meets once a month (on average), to discuss educational issues. As a student member, it is your job to represent the student perspective in these meetings. Here, among other things, the transparency of the grading, the evaluations of courses and the education programme are discussed.

The activities consist of:

  • Discussing the evaluations of the courses;
  • Giving advice to the Institute Board and the Faculty Board on educational matters, such as the annual adoption of the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) and the education programme for the coming year. The programme committee also has the right of approval for selective parts of the OER;
  • Being a contact person for CADS Bachelor's and Master's students (from your year) for comments, complaints, and suggestions about education in the CADS programme;
  • (Optionally) meeting with the other CADS programme committee student members and the student member of the Institute Board (Pablo) to discuss the study programme and OLC meetings informally and among students only.

Your profile

  • You are enrolled as a student in the CADS bachelor or master course in Leiden;
  • You have good communication skills;
  • You show initiative and are well-prepared;
  • You can work together with student members from other years and the other members of the committee;
  • You enjoy acting as a point of contact for students;
  • You are able to transmit the results of the meetings to the students in an appropriate manner (within the limits of confidentiality);
  • You feel involved in the organization of education and you are happy to contribute to this.

We offer

As a student member you get appointed for a period of one year. As a student member you will receive interesting training courses. Your efforts will be rewarded by receiving a payment at the end of the academic year. Besides, membership of the programme committee will give you valuable experience in committee work that is relevant for your CV. As a student member, you have an important role in the discussions and agenda of the committee. You will also get the opportunity to know some teachers and staff members more closely by working together with them.

How do the elections work?

There are 4 positions available: 3 for students representing each year of the BSc and 1 for the MSc. The student members are democratically elected. This means that when multiple students from the same year apply and all other places in the committee are filled, elections are held. You can indicate your interest in the position until Friday September 13th at 17:00. The elections will take place from September 16th until September 20th and, following the results, one student member from each year will be appointed. Apply before September 13th by sending an email to the student member of the Institute Board (Pablo), at p.pandocchi@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. The email has to contain:

  • Your student number.
  • A brief motivation letter.
  • A short text (100-150) in which you briefly introduce yourself and tell your fellow students why you would like to represent them in the Programme Committee (it can be similar to the motivation letter, if you want). This text will be displayed in the voting form that will be sent to students.
  • If you feel comfortable, a picture of you to display alongside the short text in the online voting form. You can also edit it to make your “campaign poster” more appealing! N.B. Students will most likely see it on a small phone screen.
  • Pablo will email you back.

More information

If you have any questions about the content of this position or the procedure of the elections, please contact the student member of the Institute Board (Pablo), at p.pandocchi@fsw.leidenuniv.nl.

More information about the programme committee can be found here.

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