Universiteit Leiden

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Become a student member of the Institute of Psychology program committees

13 August 2024

Send your questions to: studentlid-psy@FSW.leidenuniv.nl

In the Institute of Psychology, we are currently looking for enthusiastic students who would like to join our team. Below you can find an overview of all open vacancies.

Please feel free to mail us at studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl if you have any questions related to a specific vacancy or if you have any questions about the selection procedure. We are excited about your involvement!

Please note

To join the BOC committee you should have a good comprehension of Dutch, if you have any questions about this do not hesitate to send an email to studentlid-psy@FSW.leidenuniv.nl

At Leiden University we believe that it is crucial to give students a voice in important educational decisions. Bachelor students are represented in the Bachelor Opleidingscommissie (BOC), where both Dutch psychology and IBP students, together with teachers, play a role in evaluating bachelor education and advising the educational board of psychology. For the upcoming school year 2024-2025, the institute of psychology is looking for new student representatives for the BOC!

Apply Thursday September 19 2024 at the latest

Send a short motivational letter to Thijs van den Berg (studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)

What do we expect from you?

BOC student representative activities are;

  • Attending monthly BOC meetings;
  • Processing evaluation forms, looking at the overlap between courses, whether courses follow up on each other correctly and exam regulations;
  • Giving advice to the educational board of psychology.

Why should you apply?

As a BOC student representative you will;

  • Help evaluate and improve psychology education at Leiden University;
  • Gain experience with administrative and educational processes within psychology;
  • Further develop your professional network.

What can you expect from us?

We will listen to you and ask you for advice. Moreover, for your efforts we will compensate you with a financial reimbursement at the end of the school year and a BOC sweater, personalized with your name.

So, do you feel responsible for the quality of your education? Do you feel that there are things psychology can do differently? Would you like to develop yourself further, gain an important experience for your CV and represent your fellow students? Then apply for the BOC now!

How do you apply?

You can apply by sending a short motivational letter (200 words max.) to Thijs van den Berg at the email address studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. In this letter, please state your student number, in what year you are currently and whether you are doing Dutch psychology or IBP.

Would you like more information first? Please send any questions you may have to the student member of the educational board, Thijs van den Berg (studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)!

Please note

To join the MOC committee you should have a good comprehension of Dutch, if you have any questions about this do not hesitate to send an email to studentlid-psy@FSW.leidenuniv.nl

Als Universiteit Leiden vinden wij het erg belangrijk dat onze studenten een stem krijgen voor de belangrijke beslissingen binnen ons onderwijs. Vertegenwoordiging van bachelor studenten gebeurt in de Master Opleidingscommissie (MOC), waarin Nederlandse psychologie en IBP studenten samen met docenten het onderwijs evalueren en advies uitbrengen aan het bestuur. Voor het collegejaar 2024-2025 zijn we bij het Instituut Psychologie op zoek naar nieuwe studentvertegenwoordigers van de MOC!

Solliciteer uiterlijk donderdag 19 september 2024

Stuur je beknopte motivatiebrief naar studentlid-psy@FSW.leidenuniv.nl

Wat verwachten we van je?

De werkzaamheden van een MOC student-lid zijn;

  • Bijwonen van maandelijkse MOC-vergaderingen;
  • Verwerken van schriftelijke onderwijsevaluaties, kijkend naar overlap tussen cursussen, aansluiting van cursussen op elkaar en regelingen van tentamens en examens;
  • Advies uitbrengen aan het Opleidingsbestuur.

Waarom zou je je opgeven?

Als MOC student-lid krijg je de mogelijkheid om jezelf verder te ontwikkelen;

  • Je helpt mee met het evalueren en verbeteren van het onderwijs;
  • Je krijgt ervaring met bestuurlijke en opleidingsprocessen binnen psychologie;
  • Je vergroot je netwerk binnen de universiteit.

Wat kun je van ons verwachten?

We zullen naar je luisteren en om advies vragen. Daarnaast zullen we je uit waardering tegemoetkomen met een financiële vergoeding aan het einde van het collegejaar en een MOC-trui met jouw naam erop.

Dus voel jij je verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit van jouw onderwijs? Denk je dat er zaken anders of beter kunnen binnen psychologie? Wil jij je graag verder ontwikkelen, kostbare ervaring opdoen voor je CV en je medestudenten representeren? Geef je dan op voor de MOC!

Hoe geef je je op?

Je kunt je opgeven door een korte motivatie (200 woorden max.) te sturen naar Thijs van den Berg via studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. Voorzie deze mail van je studentnummer en welke master je doet.

Wil je eerst liever wat meer informatie? Stuur gerust je vragen naar het student-lid van het opleidingsbestuur, Thijs van den Berg (studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)!

At Leiden University we believe that it is crucial to give students a voice in important educational decisions. Research master students are represented in the Research master program committee (RMOC), where Research master students, together with teachers, play a role in evaluating bachelor education and advising the educational board of psychology. For the upcoming school year 2024-2025, the institute of psychology is looking for new student representatives for the RMOC!

Apply before Tuesday 10 September 2024

Send a short motivational letter to Thijs van den Berg (studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)

What do we expect from you?

RMOC student representative activities are;

  • Attending monthly RMOC meetings;
  • Processing evaluation forms, looking at the overlap between courses, whether courses follow up on each other correctly and exam regulations;
  • Giving advice to the educational board of psychology.

Why should you apply?

As a RMOC student representative you will;

  • Help evaluate and improve psychology education at Leiden University;
  • Gain experience with administrative and educational processes within psychology;
  • Further develop your professional network.

What can you expect from us?

We will listen to you and ask you for advice. Moreover, for your efforts we will compensate you with a financial reimbursement at the end of the school year and a RMOC sweater, personalized with your name.

So, do you feel responsible for the quality of your education? Do you feel that there are things psychology can do differently? Would you like to develop yourself further, gain an important experience for your CV and represent your fellow students? Then apply for the RMOC now!

How do you sign up?

You can apply by sending a short motivational letter (200 words max.) to Thijs van den Berg at studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. In this letter, please state your student number, your track and what year you are in.

Would you like more information first? Please send any questions you may have to the student member of the educational board, Thijs van den Berg (studentlid-psy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)!

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