Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Research

VNK x PAN Thesis award 2024

4 July 2024

Did you graduate as an art historian on a subject regarding the art market? Or are you currently writing a captivating thesis about significant art collections and collectors? This fall the VNK (Association of Dutch Art Historians) and PAN Amsterdam will select the best thesis in this field again.

In November 2024, during PAN Amsterdam, the VNK x PAN Thesis award will be presented for the third time. This award was initiated by the VNK and PAN Amsterdam to support art historical research into the art trade, the art market and art collecting in the broad sense. The prize consists of a sum of € 1.000.


Eligible for this thesis award are master theses that concern research into one or more aspects of art collecting and/or the art trade. This may include a wide range of related subjects such as provenance research, collection management, private gifts to museums, the art market in the 17th century, the profession of appraiser et cetera et cetera.

The thesis must be written at a Dutch university, but participation is also open to theses written in English. Both lecturers and students can nominate a thesis, provided it has been assessed with a 7,5 or higher.


More information about the registration procedure and the award can be found here. The last day to register for this award is Sunday, September 15th 2024. To sign up, send us an email at scriptieprijs@kunsthistorici.nl.

About the VNK
The Vereniging van Nederlandse Kunsthistorici (VNK) is the largest network of professional art and architecture historians in the Netherlands. As a professional association the VNK commits to art historical education and research, the practice of the profession of art historians and to the general interest of art history in the Netherlands. The VNK offers a platform where art historians from all disciplines meet and facilitates knowledge exchange, debate, and advice on subject-related issues.

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