Universiteit Leiden

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Support the protest against higher education cuts in Utrecht on 22 June

20 June 2024

The outline agreement and proposed cuts to higher education fill us with great concern. Together with the LSVb student union, WOinActie (a student and staff movement fighting for universities and their future) has announced a protest on Saturday 22 June at Jaarbeursplein in Utrecht, from 14.00 hrs. 

We, the Executive Board and deans, support this protest and the President of our Board Annetje Ottow will be among the people there.

We are calling on our students and staff to make their voices heardTogether, we say ‘NO’ to an assault on knowledge in the Netherlands and a bleaker society and future for younger generations.

There are other ways to speak out against the new government’s planned cuts: for instance, by sharing and calling attention to the UNL campaign.

The Executive Board and deans

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