Universiteit Leiden

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LU Card checks to continue in 2024-2025

25 June 2024

The LU Card checks at the entrance to the Kamerlingh Onnes Building (KOG) will continue in academic year 2024-2025. Our aim is to guarantee a safe study and work environment for all staff and students at the university. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions.

Who checks the LU Cards?
During the KOG Building’s opening hours, LU Card checks are carried out by two external security guards under instructions from the University Services Department (UFB) and the KOG Facilities Management team.

Why do LU Cards need to be checked?
Both Leiden University and Leiden Law School have a duty of care and a responsibility to ensure the safety of its students, staff and visitors. Security measures may be taken based on a risk analysis. This always involves a tailored approach, specific to the situation at our faculty. Certain buildings, for instance, require more security measures than others. The LU Card checks at the KOG Building are part of those measures. As a result, only staff and students who have a LU Card can enter the building and access will be refused to unauthorised persons for reasons other than study and work.

All students must show their LU Card at the entrance to the building. Some new students may not yet have a LU Card. In that case, this must be arranged by 3 October 2024 at the latest. Please note that it can take around two weeks to receive the LU card, so remember to apply for it online in good time.

In addition to separate communications sent to students on this matter, we also kindly ask staff and current students to remind new students about this. New first-year students who do not yet have a LU Card will be allowed to access the building by showing their timetable and/or student number in the Leiden University app, as well as their valid ID when asked for it.

What about visitors, events and conferences?
Prior to their arrival, all external visitors to the KOG Building who do not have a LU Card must be registered at the Service Desk. Use this form to do so and specify the date, time, visitor’s name and name of the contact person who will meet the visitor at Reception. For conferences, a list of participants must be uploaded (using the same form) prior to the start of the event. For Open Days, Student for a Day events and Moot Court sessions, please contact the UFB by sending an email to servicedeskKOG@ufb.leidenuniv.nl.

Request a LU Card
New employees can request a LU Card online or at the Service Desk.

If you have a question about the LU Card checks, please contact Leiden Law School’s Facilities Management.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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