Universiteit Leiden

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Announcement: sit-in on 30 May from 18.00

29 May 2024

Over the past few weeks, protests associated with the Gaza conflict have affected both our faculty and the university as a whole. We anticipate that these protests and demonstrations will continue in the foreseeable future and we endeavour to respond in the best way possible while factoring in the interests of all parties concerned.

The faculty has made a number of preparations and remains in close contact with all relevant departments and authorities so that it can take fast and appropriate action if necessary. It is essential that we safeguard both the right to demonstrate and academic freedom as diligently as possible, and that we ensure a safe environment for all our students and staff.

Leiden for Palestine has announced another sit-in from 18.00 onwards on Thursday 30 May on Steenschuur, in front of the KOG Building. For the time being, there is no reason to close the building at 18.00 or to adjust the teaching schedule. Please check the student and staff websites for any updates.

If you have questions or concerns, contact the Faculty Board at bestuurssecretaris@law.leidenuniv.nl.

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