Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Research, Social

Apply for the Leadership Thesis Award

5 September 2023

Why this award? 
The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) of Leiden University aims to promote knowledge development around leadership. In addition to existing research and initiatives, the Leadership Thesis Prize has now been established for this purpose. With this prize we want to further stimulate young talent and diverse Leadership research.

Who are we looking for?

  • Are you a (former) student of Leiden University?
  • Have you recently written a thesis you are proud of?
  • Does the topic leadership feature in your thesis?
  • Would you like more visibility and recognition for your thesis?
  • Do you believe your thesis is eligible for an award?

Have you answered 'yes' to these five questions?
Then register here for the Leadership Thesis Award!

What are the criteria?
Your thesis must have been assessed in academic year '22-'23 and been awarded a 7.5 or higher.
It must address leadership or leadership behaviour. This may be from a variety of disciplines and perspectives and is therefore not linked to any study programme or faculty.

What are the prices?
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded will be dinner vouchers of €150, €75, and €50 respectively. The winner will also be offered a leadership mentoring day (by arrangement). The award ceremony will take place on 26 October at 16.00 during the ‘Leiderschap onder de Loep’ conference. This conference will take place at Schouwburgstraat 2 and is freely accessible to thesis prize participants and Master students of Leiden University (upon registration).

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