Update Kernvisie BRUIST
'At the end of an eventful day, I believe it is important to emphasize something to everyone here,' Ton Liefaard said at the opening of the Kernvisie BRUIST roundtable discussion on Thursday 25 May in reference to the news of the Faculty Board’s resignation. 'Namely, that realising the Kernvisie project is and remains enormously important for the faculty. The agreements have been made, there is strong support, both within and outside the faculty, and the goal and our ambition are clear; we are fully committed to working together on the bachelor of the future'.
Interest from the Education Council
Prior to the Roundtable meeting, project leaders Rachna in 't Veld and Bastiaan Rijpkema attended the Education Council. During this meeting with the Executive Board and all the deans of Leiden University, the core vision project featured as a 'special' on the agenda. The core vision, the trajectory, and the action plan were well received. Partly because the other faculties are facing similar dilemmas and goals in terms of future-proofing their study programmes. They are very interested in following the steps taken by Leiden Law School in this respect.
Roundtable discussions
In the afternoon, it was time for the Round Table Discussions with the seven teams led by the Kernvisie BRUIST Task Force. Teachers, subject coordinators, education support and policy staff, and students were invited to the event that was held at the KOG restaurant. Behind seven flipcharts with standing tables, the teams were waiting to interact with the audience discussing propositions and dilemmas related to their theme. Examples of propositions were: 'good education is interdisciplinary education’, 'activating education is the teacher's responsibility', and 'compulsory matching offers students a more realistic perspective on their studies'.
We used Wooclap to anonymously gauge opinions at the start of the event using mobile phones. This was followed by three rounds of discussions with the different teams. After the round table discussion, everyone submitted their thoughts in a 'word cloud' and the dry throats could finally be eased with a well-deserved drink.

Follow-up steps
The steps made within the Kernvisie process follow an approximate timeline. The task force and the seven teams are continuing to flesh out the themes that will apply for the 24/25 academic year. More information on the timeline will follow shortly.