Saxion minor on Roman Limes open for Leiden students
The Board of Examiners of the Faculty of Archaeology has decided that students are free to enroll in the Saxion minor C-Limes. There is no need to send in a formal request.

About the minor
Do you want to expand your knowledge of the Roman period? Saxion University of Applied Sciences offers the minor C-Limes (30ec). which is part of the NWO-research project Constructing the Limes.
The focus is on: A) Roman temporary camps. You will track them by remote sensing methods and possibly by using drones and fieldwork; B) The largest Roman cemetery along the Dutch part of the Lower German limes at Valkenburg-Marktveld (province ZH). The minor is offered twice a year, in Dutch, in Deventer, by Wouter Vos, Jeroen Oosterbaan and different guest-experts lecturers. Several excursions and a hands-on program are included. Interested? Then apply now by sending an e-mail to Femke Tomas. Application deadline is May 31st.