Do you find interest in both video games and the past? Then do not miss the Interactive Pasts Conference

The Interactive Pasts Conference (TIPC) welcomes all enthusiasts to join in, share and learn about the intersection of the past and video games under this year’s theme of The Rise of the Playground. The conference is not only open to everybody, but the registration is free, and there is a possibility to attend in person or follow the streamed version.
What you can expect from this event is to learn about the broad range of topics relating to the video video games set in past, such as their authenticity and the development process or the use of AI in ancient board games. These topics will be presented and discussed through workshops, paper presentations and panels. In addition, there will also be a Game Exhibit in which you will be able to try out past-related video games on the spot!
General information
- When? 24-26 May 2023
- Where? Leiden, more specifically Faculty of Archaeology and other Leiden University venues within Leiden
- How much does it cost? Free (with the additional possibility of applying to a Diversity Fund to cover costs such as travel expenses, accommodation, taking time off work, and child care)
More information about the event, including the registration and detailed programme, is available on the Interactive Pasts website.