Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Organisation

NSE faculty competition results: DLF slightly ahead

10 February 2023

The NSE has been running for a few weeks now, and it's time for the first quick look at the statistics! The faculty average is at 22%, slightly above the university average. The Leidsche Flesch is in the lead in the competition between the study associations, but the differences are small and there are still 4 weeks to go, so plenty of chances to overtake!

Due to the high response rates of the bachelor Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, a new study programme this year, and the master Astronomy, De Leidsche Flesch is in the lead with 24.3%. Close behind are Chemisch Dispuut Leiden (23.4%), Leidse Biologen Club (22.3%), Shift (22.1%), Aesculapius (18.0%) and LIFE (15.0%).

NSE completed = free cookie

Have you completed the NSE? Then, from Tuesday 14 February to Friday 17 February 2023, you can get a free cookie at the student associations.

Intermediate score of completed surveys per study association
Intermediate score of completed surveys per study programme

Clarification of results per programme
For the results per programme, bachelor's and master's programmes with the same orientation have been combined. For Informatica, the specialisations and the Master's programmes in Computer Science, ICT in Business and MSc Media Technology have been combined. For Mathematics, the results of the Statistical Science master's are also included.

Your opinion is important
Our students’ ideas are very important to the faculty and for our ability to continually improve the education, facilities and study environment we offer. After all, who knows better than our students what it’s like to study with us?

What happens with the results?
The faculty in general, and your programme in particular, will use the results of the NSE to improve the programme. By indicating what you think of your study programme, you are helping to identify points for improvement that can also benefit your study programme.

Win great prizes
The NSE will be giving away various prizes among the students who completed the survey:

  • een Apple Macbook Air (worth €1129,-)
  • 4 Sony noise cancelling headphones (worth €380,-)
  • 3 Logitech muizen en toetsenborden (worth €218,-)
  • 400 Bol.com cadeaukaarten (worth €25,-).

As a thank you for your participation, Leiden University/LuF will donate €0.25 to the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) for every survey completed by Leiden University students.

Faculty competition between the study associations
This year there is again a competition between the faculty study associations. The study association whose members fill in the most surveys will receive a contribution for an activity for their students! New this year is that, also the association with the second highest response rate, will receive a contribution for an activity.

The NSE runs until 12 March. Visit the student website and Instagram to follow the current rankings in the student associations competition.

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