Universiteit Leiden

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Join the Palloures 2023 excavations on Cyprus

15 December 2022

Palloures is a Chalcolithic (3500-2500 BCE) settlement with round houses, hearths, floors and grinding installations. Excavated deposits have yielded large volumes of ceramics, animal bones, chipped stone and ground stone objects, as well as human burials. In the fieldschool, students are taught all aspects of excavating and trained to document features and artefacts. You can also mend pottery vessels or do outreach activities.

Students perform physical labour in a tough climate. We work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. We are therefore looking for highly motivated participants who are eager to learn more about the prehistory of Cyprus and about how to do fieldwork. Costs consist of travel expenses. The season is scheduled between 24 June and August 5th.

A priority of the 2023 season is finds processing (ceramics, ground stone, chipped stone) for which we will bring a dedicated team of students. please indicate if you want to be part of this processing team.

Interested? Please send your CV and letter of motivation before February 15th to Victor Klinkenberg.

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