Universiteit Leiden

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Columbia Student Exchange Programme and Summerschools

22 December 2022

We are very excited to announce that per Fall 2023 we will able to exchange students with Columbia University, New York! Two places will be available for Master’s students, Fall semester only. We will try to update the online worldmap in Usis and application module before the holidays, but send us an email should you be interested so we can inform you as soon as everything’s updated.

Columbia Summer Schools, Summer 2023, New York, discount for Leiden students

Columbia University would like to welcome current and former Leiden students at our two summer programs in New York City:  the three-week US Business Law Academy (average age 22) and the one-week Global Law and Business Seminar (average age 30+). 

  •  The US Business Law Academy, July 9-28, is designed primarily for students.  It offers modules in Introduction to US Legal Institutions, Introduction to Negotiation, US Corporate Law in an International Perspective, and Deals: the Law and Economics of Transactions.  Practitioners will speak about topics such as the management structure of global law firms, the cultural dynamics of cross-border M&A deals, how multi-national corporations hire global lawyers, and the global reach of US anti-bribery law.  The program fee with on-campus housing is $8,000, but students from partner schools (incuding Leiden) receive a $1,500 discount if they apply by December 31.
  •  The Global Law and Business Seminar, June 26-30, 2023, is open to lawyers and business managers who have at least a first university degree.  The program offers modules in Topics in International Arbitration, US Corporate Law in an International Perspective, and Get the Deal Done:  Cross-border M&A.  The program fee with on-campus housing is $2,650.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions (outgoingexchange@law.leidenuniv.nl). 


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