Universiteit Leiden

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Call for applications: Leiden Elective Academic Periodical (LEAP)

3 November 2022

About the Leiden Elective Academic Periodical

This intensive elective invites students from different (R)MA programmes within the Faculty of Humanities to work towards a publication in the third issue (Summer 2023) of the online, annual, faculty-broad Leiden Elective Academic Periodical (LEAP).

Under the guidance of two senior scholars, you will work both as an individual author and as a collective editorial board, jointly responsible for the journal issue as a whole. While you depart from your own discipline, you will also engage in a dialogue with peers from other disciplines. This allows you to experience first-hand what interdisciplinary collaboration entails.

Want to know more?

More information about LEAP and testimonials of students can be found on this campaign page.

An information session about the elective will be held online on Friday 2 December: for more information, please refer to the event page.

Interested in signing up?

You can register for this course after you have been selected by the organizers. This selection is based on a paper or thesis written within your previous studies, which will be evaluated in terms of the quality of the writing and argumentation. On top of this, you will be asked to briefly motivate (one paragraph) how your paper could be rewritten and developed into an article, review, artistic paper or joint article (max 2 persons) that relates to this year´s theme 'senses'.

Proposals (paper + motivation) should be sent to Nanne Timmer and Astrid Van Weyenberg before 16 December 2022. The maximum number of participants in this seminar is 15 students.

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