Universiteit Leiden

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Vacancy: VIDI project 'The Talking Dead' is looking for two student assistants

11 October 2022

For the VIDI-project “The Talking Dead” we would like to hire 2 paid student assistants. The project aims to construct a large database on burial practices in the 3rd Millennium BC. You will help with data entry from different regions in Europe, entering detailed information on specific funerary rituals.

We are looking for two motivated master's students with good languages skills and knowledge on European Prehistory. Please consider this position if you have knowledge of Polish, German, Czech and/or Russian.

Offer: We offer a 1-year contract for 8h per week.
Interested: Please send your CV and letter of motivation to q.p.j.bourgeois@arch.leidenuniv.nl before the 21st of October

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