Universiteit Leiden

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Debate 'Tax in the boardroom'

5 October 2022

Between students, business, government

Dear students, 

On Monday, October 10 (15:00-17:00), we will conclude the course Tax in the Boardroom of our new minor Tax and Society with an interactive tax debate between you (students) and tax experts from Shell, Unilever, and the Dutch tax administration. This debate gives you a unique opportunity to ask questions to tax experts from business and government about strategic corporate tax matters discussed by CEOs and CFOs at the boardroom level of a multinational firm. 

 Representatives from business and government (confirmed)

•              Joost Kutsch Lojenga, Country Tax Lead Netherlands, Shell

•              Sebastiaan de Buck, Vice President Tax, Unilever

•              Hans Rijsbergen, Strategy Advisor NTCA/Large Business, Dutch Tax Authorities

 Registration: submit your questions

The debate is organized for minor students, but also (bachelor/master) tax law students can join the debate. There are only limited spots left. So don’t wait and register by sending us your questions for the tax experts via email to belastingrecht@law.leidenuniv.nl before Thursday, October 6, 18.00. Your questions should touch upon strategic corporate tax matters, like tax business models, tax uncertainty, co-operative compliance programs, tax agreements (tax rulings), tax transparency, (public) country-by-country reporting, tax havens, tax competition, tax avoidance and the global tax deal. 

No livestream/recording of the debate

The debate will take place in a private/closed setting in the Lorentzzaal (A.144)  (KOG building) @ Leiden University. The debate is only open to students who have registered in advance (see above). In this manner, we hope to facilitate an open discussion. The tax debate will not be live streamed.

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