Universiteit Leiden

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Wanted: buddies for students with autism

27 July 2022

Are you in your second year or above and enjoy giving one-on-one support to students of your own study program? Do you have affinity with autism and would you like to help out a fellow student? Sign up as a buddy!

What does a buddy do?

As a buddy you will help a student with autism spectrum disorder during their first year as a student. Previous experiences have shown that having a buddy can help this group of students tremendously. You will meet each other every week for one hour to support the student and answer all their questions regarding time management, preparing classes and information about your study program and Leiden University. You will receive a financial compensation for your efforts. 

Does this sound like something you can and want to do? Apply to become a buddy via the button below!

To the application form

Questions? Please contact the student counsellors.

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