Universiteit Leiden

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Invitation lunch meeting on Friday 13 May

21 April 2022

Wat voor een faculteit willen we zijn en wat gaan we doen de komende jaren?

The University Strategy was presented on 8 February 2022 – perhaps you had contributed to it by joining one of the stakeholder input sessions. This new strategy has been divided into six ambitions. In the attachment, these six ambitions are summarised as well as the lines of action to achieve them in the coming years.

Interactive meeting Friday 13 May - 14.00-15.00

How do we respond to these ambitions as a faculty? How do we translate the strategic plan to our faculty? We would like to invite you to join us on Friday 13 May to discuss this.

During an interactive meeting at the faculty we will explain our ambitions. There will be ample opportunity, with the Faculty Board and other students, to exchange your questions, visions, ideas and/or projects that you feel are in line with these ambitions.

Like to join us?

Please register before 10 May via bestuurssecretaris@law.leidenuniv.nl, indicating what ambition you would focus on in the faculty strategy. If you are unable to attend, please fill in the attached form and drop it in the ambitions box* at the entrance.

Kind regards,

on behalf of the Faculty Board,

Julie Külsen (Assessor) and Joanne van der Leun (Dean)

*The ambitions box can be found at the reception of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building from 9 to 19 May

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