Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Facility, Organisation

Update 3 February 2022: Start of second semester on campus

3 February 2022

The second semester is about to start. Teaching will start again next week and we are pleased that this will be possible again in-person on campus. Nevertheless, we remain aware that we must continue to act in a responsible manner and we have to do this together. Please note the most important points below.

The faculty - a safe place to study

  • Always do the Corona Check before coming to our buildings. The latest government guidelines on self-quarantine are available here. Students who had a booster jab over a week ago or have had coronavirus in the past eight weeks no longer have to quarantine if they have been in contact with someone who has coronavirus and if they do not have any symptoms themselves.
  • Do a self-test twice a week. Self-tests are available for students via zelftestonderwijs.nl.
  • Keep to the Campus Protocol and follow the instructions inside the buildings.
  • We urge everyone to get vaccinations and boosters to protect against the coronavirus. Students and staff in Leiden can arrange this via GGD Hollands-Midden. Students and staff in The Hague should contact GGD Haaglanden (Dutch website only).
  • If you have any concerns, please contact your study adviser.

Face masks must be worn in our buildings when sitting and moving around

Students and staff must wear a face mask while at the faculty, when both sitting and moving around. An exception can be made when sitting and 1.5m can be kept from other people. This make it possible to sit an exam or study in the library without a face mask. Disposable face masks (type II) are preferred. Teaching staff and students can decide if it is safe to teach or give a presentation without a face mask.

Teaching from Monday 7 February 

  • We can welcome all students once again for educational activities, though limited to max. 75 students per room.
  • Scheduled teaching for the second semester stays as planned.
  • Up-to-date information on courses (method and location) will be on Brightspace.
  • It remains important that you do not come to the faculty for courses/exams for Covid-related reasons so that we can ensure a safe environment for everyone.  Until further notice, the deregistration option for students related to Covid will therefore also remain.
  • Booking a study space at the library must still be done via SharedDesk.

Events and graduation ceremonies

  • The easing of measures also applies to graduation ceremonies. For each event, the preconditions will be stated in the invitation and the programme.
  • Other educational events are also possible again with max. 75 people. Study associations can make a request via the service desk.

Travel for students

The University has relaxed its travel policy for students. See the student website.

Keep informed

For the University, the most recent government guidelines and measures on coronavirus will always be leading when it comes to our teaching and research. All up-to-date information is provided via the University Coronavirus dossier.


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