Universiteit Leiden

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Update 17 February 2022: Restrictions eased, many measures lifted

17 February 2022

We are delighted that the end of coronavirus restrictions is in sight. We hope you are well and, like us, looking forward to meeting up again with other students and teaching staff at our beautiful faculty.

These restrictions have required a great deal of flexibility and adaptability from us all in the past two years, and this will continue to be a challenge in the coming period. Covid is still here and so we will be easing the restrictions step by step at the faculty – in a safe manner, for everyone’s well-being.

Stay at home if you have Covid-related symptoms, have tested positive or have to quarantine

The University is and will remain a safe place if we all act responsibly.

  • Always do the Corona Check before coming to our buildings. This gives the most recent guidelines on quarantine.
  • Students and staff from the University can order free self-tests from Zelftestonderwijs.nl. Remember, it may take a few days to receive the tests.
  • When at the faculty, keep to the Campus Protocol and follow the instructions in the buildings.
  • Lecture rooms/classrooms/study spaces will be ventilated regularly.
  • Give each other space in corridors, other passing areas and where possible in lecture rooms and classrooms.
  • If you have any concerns, contact your study adviser.

Teaching from 25 February

  • We can welcome everyone again for teaching activities. The limitation of 75 students in a room will no longer apply. 
  • The published timetable remains as it is. All up-to-date information about teaching and exams will always be given in the course environment in Brightspace. So please check this regularly.
  • Deregistering (in Brightspace) for a class or exam on location for Covid-related reasons remains important so that we can continue to provide a safe work environment for everyone. The possibility to deregister will remain in each course environment in Brightspace. During this transition phase, an online alternative for these students will be provided by teaching staff.
  • Reservations for a study space (e.g. in the KOG library) must still be done via SharedDesk.

Face masks no longer compulsory, but still allowed

From 25 February, the wearing of face masks at the faculty will no longer be required. Anyone who wishes to may, of course, still wear one.

Events and graduation ceremonies

  • The easing of restrictions also applies to graduation ceremonies and other activities.
  • Study associations can send requests for events and lectures to the service desk.
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