Universiteit Leiden

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University & Faculty Councils and Programme Committees

The university council and faculty councils are democratically elected co-participation bodies that represent both students and staff of the university and its faculties. Co-participation also takes place at departmental level through programme committees.

The University Council

The role of the university council is to critically observe and advise the Executive Board and, when applicable, to assist the board with important decisions. The powers of the University Council are laid down in the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) and the University Council Regulations (both only available in Dutch).

Faculty Councils

Every faculty has a faculty council. After the university council, the faculty council is the second highest co-participation body within the university. Faculty councils consist of both staff and student members. Find out more under your faculty tab or in the organisational structure.

Programme Committees

Every programme has a programme committee. Within programme committees, lecturers and students come together to discuss the education provided by the programme. Programme committees provide both solicited and unsolicited advice to programme boards, faculty boards and faculty councils, concerning the quality of education, the course and examination regulations (OER) and educational facilities. If further information is available about your programme committee, this can be found under your programme tab.

Playing a role in co-participation?

Are you interested in playing an active role in co-participation at Leiden University? To gain a clearer picture of the various co-participation bodies, you are welcome to attend their public meetings. For more information about co-participation via the university and faculty councils, you can contact the parties that are active within these councils. You could also consider  founding your own party. If you would like to become a member of a programme committee, get in touch with your programme’s own committee.

Participation: Students’ Council

The students’ council (SR) is a representative advisory body in the LUMC. The council represents all students in the LUMC’s study programmes: Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Population Health Management, and Vitality and Ageing and gives (un)solicited advice on all faculty matters related to education and organization.

Tasks and rights of the Students’ Council

The Students’ Council follows the Board of Directors critically throughout the year and has the right to advise and approve various issues in the LUMC:

  • Course and examination regulations (OER),
  • the execution of educational policies,
  • the annual faculty budget.

Read more about these rights in the Reglement Studentenraad LUMC (available in Dutch only).

Students’ Council members

The students’ council consists of seven elected students and the student assessor joins their meetings as an observer.  

  • Rebecca Vullings, chairman
  • Puck Versteegh, vice-chairman
  • Sissi Zhang, secretary
  • Max Andringa, member
  • Ben van den Aardweg, member
  • Khushi Barua, member
  • Evine Appelman, member
  • Matteo Demorest, student assessor

Term of office

The term of office of the SR is one academic year, which runs from 1 september to 31 august.


Do you have a question? Send an e-mail to the student council: studentenraad@lumc.nl.

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