Play an active role in co-participation
Do you want to get involved in the university community whilst working on your personal development? Co-participation is the perfect way to do it.
What are the benefits for you?
- You get to play a role in decisions that affect you as a student
- It’s good for your personal development
- In many cases, you will be eligible for financial compensation
- You can do your bit for the university community
These are the options available
As a student, you can take part in the following university co-participation bodies:
Stand as a candidate
Members of the University Council and faculty councils are chosen every year by way of university elections.
Want to play a role in decisions concerning your study programme? Why not join your programme committee? In general, new members join at the beginning of each academic year. Contact your programme committee for further information.
National student organisations
You could also join one of the national organisations that represent the interests of students, for example the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) or the Dutch National Student Association (ISO).
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council advises the Faculty Board solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters on Faculty level relating to teaching, research, and organisation.
Half of the Faculty Council is elected from and by the staff, the other half from and by the students. The members of the Council are elected in accordance with the regulations concerning University elections (Dutch), as drawn up by the University Executive Board.