Play an active role in co-participation
Do you want to get involved in the university community whilst working on your personal development? Co-participation is the perfect way to do it.
What are the benefits for you?
- You get to play a role in decisions that affect you as a student
- It’s good for your personal development
- In many cases, you will be eligible for financial compensation
- You can do your bit for the university community
These are the options available
As a student, you can take part in the following university co-participation bodies:
Stand as a candidate
Members of the University Council and faculty councils are chosen every year by way of university elections.
Want to play a role in decisions concerning your study programme? Why not join your programme committee? In general, new members join at the beginning of each academic year. Contact your programme committee for further information.
National student organisations
You could also join one of the national organisations that represent the interests of students, for example the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) or the Dutch National Student Association (ISO).
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs knows several co-participation bodies in which students can participate.
Programme Committee (OLC)
As a member of the Programme Committee (PC), you have a say in education and other study-related matters. Programme Committees are composed of academic staff and students. Every year, at the beginning of the academic year, elections are organised for programme committee members. Make sure to keep an eye out for the application procedure.
Check the page of the PC of your study programme for more information on the tasks and composition of the current PC:
- BSc Bestuurskunde
- BSc Security Studies & MSc Crisis and Security Management
- BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges
- MSc Management van de Publieke Sector
- MSc Public Administration
- MSc International Relations and Diplomacy
- MSc Cyber Security
Faculty Council
Every faculty has a faculty council. After the university council, the faculty council is the second highest co-participation body within the university. The Faculty Council is the faculty’s advisory council and has both advisory rights as well as the right of consent on various matters concerning the faculty. As such, the council represents both students and staff and acts as a sounding board for the Faculty Board.
The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is comprised of eight members: four staff members on behalf of all faculty employees and four student member who represent the faculty’s student body.
University Council
The University Council (UR) is a democratically elected participation body in which students and staff of the University are represented. The Council is composed of eight staff members and eight student members from all faculties and supporting services.
The Council follows the decisions of the Executive Board critically, issues solicited or unsolicited advice and has a say in important decisions by the Board. This often concerns topics that directly affect students and employees, such as quality of education, new buildings or sustainability. Every spring, students elect new representatives for the University Council.
Student Member Programme Board
The student member of the programme board joins board meetings and critically assesses all issues related to the course programme from a student perspective. In addition, the student member is the link between the course and fellow students. The student member works together with other active students and the assessor of the Faculty Board in order to safeguard student interests as adequately as possible.
The FGGA knows student-members in the programme boards at the Institute of Public Administration and at Leiden University College.