Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO)

Every faculty board has a student member, known as an assessor. The assessor is responsible for the student affairs portfolio and represents the interests of students in decision-making and policy matters within the faculty board. All assessors come together in the Leiden Assessors Council (abbreviated to LAssO in Dutch). They also meet every six weeks with the Rector Magnificus, the head of the department Student Support Services (SEA) and a policy advisor Education of SAZ in the Student Affairs Consultation Meeting (Studentenzakenberaad).

The LAssO is responsible for the allocation of financial support for student board members and co-participation activities. It also has a subsidy budget for interfaculty initiatives.

Would you like to know more about what an assessor does? Or do you have questions, ideas or suggestions for improvements at your faculty? If so, contact your faculty’s assessor. If you have any general questions about LAssO you can get in contact with the chairperson of the LAssO.

Archaeology Lidwien Meulenkamp
Governance and Global Affairs Sterre Burmeister
Humanities Nova Verkerk (Chairperson)
Law Roel Kwast
Medicine/Leiden University Medical Center Cathelijne Akkooi
Science Berber Verhalle
Social and Behavioural Sciences Robin Buijs (Vice-chairperson)


In the LUMC the assessor Milou Voogd functions as the linking-pin between students and the Board of Directors of the LUMC. She advices the Board of Directors LUMC, in particular the dean, about student- and educational affairs. She is a member of several student- and educational committees of all University programs in the LUMC and is actively involved in policy-related activities in the LUMC.

Milou Voogd

The assessor is also the chair of the Student Advisory Committee. She works together closely with directors in the LUMC, the Student Council, educational committees, the M.F.L.S.-board and other student representatives. On university level the assessor is part of the Leiden Assessors Council with the other seven assessors from the seven faculties of Leiden University. Together they work on university broad projects and meet with, among others, the Vice-Rector Magnificus.

Moreover on national level, she meets with the assessors from other (bio)medical centres/faculties in The Netherlands to exchange good practices and discuss national topics. With this central position in the faculty, the Assessor provides a link between programs, between directors and students, between Leiden University and the LUMC, and between the LUMC and other (bio)medical faculties in the Netherlands.

In case of questions, please send them to assessor@lumc.nl


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