Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO)

Every faculty board has a student member, known as an assessor. The assessor is responsible for the student affairs portfolio and represents the interests of students in decision-making and policy matters within the faculty board. All assessors come together in the Leiden Assessors Council (abbreviated to LAssO in Dutch). They also meet every six weeks with the Rector Magnificus, the head of the department Student Support Services (SEA) and a policy advisor Education of SAZ in the Student Affairs Consultation Meeting (Studentenzakenberaad).

The LAssO is responsible for the allocation of financial support for student board members and co-participation activities. It also has a subsidy budget for interfaculty initiatives.

Would you like to know more about what an assessor does? Or do you have questions, ideas or suggestions for improvements at your faculty? If so, contact your faculty’s assessor. If you have any general questions about LAssO you can get in contact with the chairperson of the LAssO.

Archaeology Lidwien Meulenkamp
Governance and Global Affairs Sterre Burmeister
Humanities Nova Verkerk (Chairperson)
Law Roel Kwast
Medicine/Leiden University Medical Center Cathelijne Akkooi
Science Berber Verhalle
Social and Behavioural Sciences Robin Buijs (Vice-chairperson)


Assessor Science

The assessor is a student member of the Faculty Board, which also consists of the dean (responsible for research), the vice-dean (responsible for education) and the Director of Operations. Within the board, the student's voice is important, which is why a student-member is a part of it. In this way, a balanced representation is created in which the entire faculty is present.

In addition to the faculty board, the assessor also deals with other faculty-wide issues, such as the programme committees, study associations, faculty magazines and faculty events. The assessor also participates in university-wide bodies, such as the Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO), which includes the seven assessors of the seven faculties of Leiden University. Together, the assessors work on issues that concern all students at the university.

LAssO Fellowships: B-pot and C-pot

The assessor, as mentioned earlier, is a member of the LAssO. This consultative body advises the Science Education and Student Office (SOSZ) about the distribution of the B- and C-pot. These pots contain a fee for organizing activities. The B-pot is for students of study associations who organise a single academic activity, the C-pot is specifically for activities aimed at the job market. For the C-pot, the activity does not have to be a one-time occurrence; at our faculty, the Science Career Event is a good example of this.

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