Universiteit Leiden

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Study associations

A study association is a good way to combine study-related activities with pleasure. Every faculty has one or more study association.

Many study programmes have their own study association. For more information take a look under the faculty tab, or speak to the administration of your study programme. 

Study association Labyrint

Labyrint is the study association for Leiden Psychology students. Apart from organising various study-related activities, Labyrint also offers the opportunity to increase social contacts between psychology students. Also worth mentioning: the online bookshop and Sofa magazine. 


Leisure activities

A good example of a leisure activity is the FreshmenWeekend (known in Dutch as the EersteJaarsWeekend, or EJW in short), which is organized every year in September around a particular theme. This weekend is the ideal opportunity for freshmen to get to know their fellow students. Senior students accompany the freshmen that weekend. The people that you meet during the FreshmenWeekend are students that you will see throughout your student life and at activities and parties, where you will meet many other students as well. Additionally there are regularly parties, such as the FSW-party and the annual Christmas Ball.

Basement Labyrint

It’s also fun to join Labyrint in the excursions to museums, the theatre and concerts or to enjoy the film evenings that the Flexcie organises. What's more, Labyrint organises an AlleJaarsWeekend (EveryYearsWeekend), a great weekend, usually in a foreign city. Participation is open to members from all study years. This is the ideal opportunity to get to know students from different study years .

Study related activities

  • Lectures
    For those who want to learn more about psychology, Labyrint organises a variety of lectures and readings on a diverse range of psychological issues.
  • Congresses
    Labyrint organises congresses that broaden and deepen the insights into particular master’s fields and job areas. The Psychologist and Future Perspectives congress (in Dutch: Psycholoog en Toekomst Perspectief (PTP) congres) is a congress where workshops are organised and information is given on a whole range of subjects in the field of psychology. The aim of this congress is to give students a clear view of the opportunities open to them once they have completed their studies.

Mixture of psychology and fun

A mixture of psychology and fun can be found on the study trip to a foreign university city, which Labyrint organises every year. Labyrint keeps its members up to date with all the association’s activities through the monthly newsletter.

For all activities, please, check the Labyrint events


Apart from the activities, Labyrint also sells study books. Members of Labyrint can buy study books at reduced prices at the online bookstore

Sofa magazine

Then there is the Sofa, the magazine produced by Labyrint, which all members receive at least four times a year. Sofa covers a range of interesting theoretical and practical aspects of psychology, as well as interesting articles on Labyrint, student life, the university, the study and many other topics.




Labyrint, which currently has over 2000 members, was founded after a merger on June 30 1994.

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