A study association is a good way to combine study-related activities with pleasure. Every faculty has one or more study association.
Many study programmes have their own study association. For more information take a look under the faculty tab, or speak to the administration of your study programme.
L.S.A Mugusa
L.S.A (Leiden Study Association) Mugusa is the study association for the BA, MA, and ResMA African Studies, as well for any other student in The Netherlands who is interested in the study of Africa. It is the only English speaking study association for Africa on mainland Europe, which makes it a unique community of students from all over Europe, as well as Africa.
Mugusa organises a yearly introduction weekend for all new members. Furthermore, the association organises monthly activities like lectures, educational visits, film nights, debates, workshops, parties, study trips, and more, related to the African continent and its diaspora.
Join L.S.A. Mugusa!
If you want to join Mugusa, please follow this link for more information. We are excited to welcome you into the community!