Universiteit Leiden

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Training courses for student organisations

Board members and other key figures within student organisations can follow specially developed training courses free of charge. Your entire student board can also take part in tailor-made group training sessions.

For board members and key individuals

Board members and key figures within student organisations are eligible to follow training courses free of charge. By key figures is meant members who fulfil certain roles within student organisations and for whom the courses might be relevant. Examples include peer listeners, board members of sub-associations, and members of bar and order committees. It is the responsibility of the board to inform key figures about the courses on offer.

Free of charge

Leiden University believes these training courses are of great benefit to student organisations. Both for you in your role as a board member and for the purpose of promoting student well-being. For this reason, courses are offered free of charge to board members and key figures within student organisations. 

For your whole student board

For a special reduced fee, your whole student board can also attend tailor-made group training sessions. These are not aimed at increasing expertise in the area of student well-being, dignity and respect. Instead, they are focused on you as board members and your personal development.

Courses in Dutch

Signs of mental health problems: recognising and acting

This training course offered by GGZ Rivierduinen focuses on the prevention of mental health issues and covers early identification, having conversations and referral. See the Dutch page for details.

Courses in English

Would you like to do a course of this nature in English? Send a mail to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl to discuss the possibilities.

Courses in Dutch

Online training course: Vraagmaar suicide prevention  

The Vraagmaar online suicide prevention training consists of 3 short online lessons. In each lesson you get practical information in the form of text, animations and videos. See the Dutch page for details.

Gatekeeper training   

Within your association, but also privately, you may meet people who have suicidal thoughts. The gatekeeper training offered by 113 Suicide Prevention teaches you how to discuss these thoughts with a conversation partner, how to assess safety, and how to encourage the other person to seek help. See the Dutch page for details.

Courses in English

Would you like to do a course of this nature in English? Send a mail to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl to discuss the possibilities.

Courses in Dutch

Alcohol and substance use: awareness and prevention

Would you like to have a conversation about substance use, or are you concerned about someone else's use?  Do you regularly have conversations of this nature in your role at a student organisation but find it difficult?  This course offered by Brijder can help you with all your questions about substance use. See the Dutch page for details.

Courses in English

Would you like to do a course of this nature in English? Send a mail to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl to discuss the possibilities.

Courses in English

Bystander intervention 

Bystander Intervention training teaches individuals how to recognize and safely intervene in situations they feel the need to act upon. Examples include encounters with bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, micro-aggressions, or other types of unacceptable and transgressive behavior. This workshop develops participants’ skills to intervene in a variety of challenging, real life scenarios and strengthens their assertiveness in both personal and external experiences.

Offered by
Our Bodies Our Voice

Practical info 
This 2 course free course can be followed by board members and key individuals within student organisations.

The course can be following on the followinf dates:

Other courses in English by Our Bodies Our Voice

You can also follow one of the other five courses offered by Our Bodies Our Voice free of charge - see course details below. 

Student Leadership training  

This training is designed to empower student leaders to understand their roles in creating inclusive and safe cultures in their associations. It incorporates a blended learning offer, including: a membership survey, action planning, education on core topics, exploration of association specific strengths and weaknesses, and a follow-up consultation.

This 4 hour course can be followed free of charge by the whole board of your student organisation. All board members are expected to be present.

Interested? Send an email to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl 

Boundaries, communication and consent 

This workshop aims to help participants gain a better understanding of their own personal boundaries and how to communicate them in social situations. Topics that are addressed include: the diversity of experiences people have, the ways in which our unique personal identities and situations shape our boundaries, and how we understand those of others.

This 2 hour course can be followed free of charge by board members and key individuals within student organisations.

Interested? Send an email to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl 


Allyship is one of the most important approaches you can take to contribute to better campuses, workplaces and communities. This workshop explores some complex situations that are relevant to university life and forms the core introductory module for participants seeking to establish inclusive cultures. Topics of discussion include bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

This 2 hour course can be followed free of charge by board members and key individuals within student organisations.

Interested? Send an email to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl 

Active listening 

Active Listening helps in recognising other people’s perspectives, feelings, and experiences. It empowers our community to foster a culture of respect and compassion, and being an active listener equips you to support survivors of any form of trauma. This workshop develops participants’ active listening skills and supporting survivors methods.

This 2 hour course can be followed free of charge by board members and key individuals within student organisations.

Interested? Send an email to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl 

Alcohol and party culture  

This workshop focuses on the role of alcohol, party culture, and peer pressure in relation to consent and sexual violence. It explores the different social norms that can negatively impact student life and how we can improve social safety during parties and in our communities.

This 2 hour course can be followed free of charge by board members and key individuals within student organisations.

Interested? Send an email to wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl 

Course in English and Dutch

Peer listeners

How we treat one another and how we can prevent undesirable behaviour are important social issues. Peer listeners within student organisations (also known as a confidential contact person) play a role in monitoring and promoting a climate of dignity and respect within associations. The peer listener is primarily someone who can offer a listening ear, then refer students to a university confidential advisor, the Complaints Committee, or external parties such as the police or a GP.

Winston & Partners offers a basic training course for peer listeners that explains the role and who is (and isn't) suited to it. The course discusses the visibility of peer listeners, explains your referral options as a peer listener, and allows you to practice confidential interviews.

Offered by
Winston & Partners

Practical information  
This 4 hour course can be followed free of charge by peer listeners from student organisations. It is available in both English and Dutch.

  • Is your organisation a member of the Dutch Chamber of Associations (PKvV)? Leiden University works together with the PKvV in offering this course. Interested? Send a mail to: info@pkvv.nl
  • Is your organisation a member of StOP? Leiden University works together with StOP in offering this course. Interested? Send a mail to: info@stopleiden.nl. 
  • All other student organisations can send a mail to: wellbeingtraining@sea.leidenuniv.nl.

Tailor-made group training for student boards (Dutch or English)

As the board of a student organisation, you have to make good and firm decisions, while at the same time maintaining a friendly atmosphere within the board and between members. But how can you develop a professional attitude? How should you deal with members' needs and expectations? What is the secret to good (joint) communication? And how should you deal with conflict? These topics and more are covered in the RAPENBURG100 training programme. 

To take responsibility for your association, you need to take care of yourself and each other as a team. What makes these group training sessions unique is that they are focused on the development of board members and the community you form as a board. 

Training sessions are customised for each board, taking into account your unique needs and any current issues within the association. Sessions can be spread out over the year and customised to meet your specific needs. During the training we will delve into core topics that are relevant for your year as a board member, supplemented by practical exercises to put these skills into practice.  

Offered by 

Practical info 

  • Language: Dutch or English 
  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours
  • Either a one-off training session or two to three sessions spread over the year.
  • Intended for: the entire board of your organisation is welcome
  • Fee: €10 per board member for two training sessions. A group arrangement is usually more favourable (€100 for three training sessions) 

Would your student board be interested? Contact Rob van Waarde via rob@rapenburg100.nl. 

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