Universiteit Leiden

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Financial support

Student organisations and faculty co-participation bodies can request financial support from Leiden University. Find out how the board of your organisation can request financial support for student board members and for projects and activities.

Financial support for student board members

The board of your organisation can request financial support for its student board members to reward them for their time and effort. 

Which organisations?

Organisations that fall into the following categories are entitled to request financial support for their student board members.

  1. Faculty-based study associations
  2. Faculty-based co-participation bodies
  3. Student and sports associations that fall under the Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV)
  4. Organisations that organise academic, job-market and other activities for Leiden students (non-faculty affiliated)
  5. Student parties with an electoral list

How to request financial support

Check the procedures for your organisation type here below. If your board is requesting funds for the first time or you're not sure which category it falls into, send a mail to bestuursbeurs@SEA.leidenuniv.nl.

  1. Make sure your study association meets your faculty’s recognition criteria.
  2. Before 1 July: submit your study association’s university point model to your faculty assessor.
  3. Your assessor will send recommendations concerning the division of funds between all faculty study associations to the Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA).
  4. SEA will send an email to your study association containing:
    • A decision award letter stating the number of months’ worth of financial support allocated to your organisation.
    • A chairperson’s statement template
  5. In collaboration with your board members, complete the chairperson’s statement indicating the division of financial support between your board members.
  6. Provide your board members with a copy of the completed chairperson’s statement and instruct them to request payment by following the procedures on the Board membership page.


Questions about requesting financial support for your faculty study association? Contact your faculty assessor.

  1. Your faculty assessor has an overview of all student members of faculty co-participation bodies. On the basis of this, the assessor will send recommendations concerning the division of funds between all faculty co-participation body members to the Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA).
  2. At the end of each co-participation period,  SEA will send you a decision award letter stating the number of number of months’ worth of financial support allocated to you.
  3. Request payment of your allocated financial support by following the procedures on the Board membership page.


Questions about requesting financial support for your co-participation body activities? Contact your faculty assessor.

  1. At the beginning of each year, your organisation will receive a questionnaire from the PKvV. Complete and return this to the PKvV by the deadline stated.
  2. On the basis of the questionnaire, the PKvV will send recommendations concerning the division of funds between organisations to the Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA). These recommendations are based on:
    • the size of your organisation (number of members);
    • the number of activities;
    • the opening times of association premises (if applicable);
    • the facilities available in association premises (if applicable);
    • the number of board members and the amount of time they dedicate to board activities.
  3. SEA will send an email to your organisation containing:
    • A decision award letter stating the number of months’ worth of financial support allocated to your organisation.
    • A chairperson’s statement template
  4. In collaboration with your board members, complete the chairperson’s statement indicating the division of financial support between your board members.
  5. Provide your board members with a copy of the completed chairperson’s statement and instruct them to request payment  by following the procedures on the Board membership page.

Questions about requesting financial support for your (PKvV) student or sports association? Contact the PKvV.

  1. Make sure your organisation meets the eligibility requirements:
    • It has not requested other board member funding for the activity or board duties.
    • It has not received any faculty funding for the activity or board duties.
    • No study credits are awarded for the activity in question.
    • The organisation is not affiliated with the Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV).

Also see: General eligibility criteria

  1. Check from which ‘pot’ of funds you should request funding.
    • B pot: for non-structural activities with academic aims e.g. association 5-year anniversaries and stand-alone conferences.
    • C pot: for job-market orientation activities for Leiden students.
    • ‘Other’ pot: for other types of activity. The Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA) will evaluate whether these qualify for financial support.
  2. Before 1 August* (at the end of the board period): prepare your request using this application template and submit it to the  Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO) via lassobeurs@SEA.leidenuniv.nl.  Make sure to include:  
    • breakdown of hours (max. 140 hours per month, of which max 25% spent in meetings);
    • annual report;
    • letter of motivation that takes into account the criteria to be met and states from which pot you wish to request funds.

* Unable to meet the deadline due to circumstances beyond your control? Before 1 August, request an extension via lassobeurs@sea.leidenuniv.nl. The maximum extension is till 1 November.  

  1. The Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO) will draw up recommendations concerning the division of funds between organisations and send these to the Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA).
  2. SEA will send an email to your organisation containing:
    • A decision award letter stating the number of number of months’ worth of financial support allocated to your organisation.
    • A chairperson’s statement template
  1. In collaboration with your board members, complete the chairperson’s statement indicating the division of financial support between your board members.
  2. Provide your board members with a copy of the completed chairperson’s statement and instruct them to request payment  by following the procedures on the Board membership page.

Questions about requesting financial support for your non-faculty/non-PKvV affiliated organisation? Contact the  Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO).

  1. Make sure your student party meets the eligibility requirements:
    • It undertakes all the following tasks:
      • recruiting election candidates and drawing up electoral lists for university elections;
      • drawing up party aims or manifestos; 
      • network building, including organising activities for members: 
      • facilitating knowledge exchange between factions and faculties;
      • training new committee members.
    • It exists for at least one year and has participated in at least one university election.
    • It has at least one seat on a faculty or university council.

Also see the Regulations on financial support for student party board members.

  1. Before 1 August* (at the end of the board period): prepare your request using this application template and submit it to the  Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO) via lassobeurs@SEA.leidenuniv.nl.

* Unable to meet the deadline due to circumstances beyond your control? Before 1 August, request an extension via lassobeurs@sea.leidenuniv.nl. The maximum extension is till 1 November. 

  1.  The Leiden Assessors Council (LAssO) will draw up recommendations concerning the division of funds between student parties organisations and send these to the Student and Educational Affairs department (SEA).
  2. SEA will send an email to your student party containing:
    • A decision award letter stating the number of number of months’ worth of financial support allocated to your organisation.
    • A chairperson’s statement template
  3. In collaboration with your board members, complete the chairperson’s statement indicating the division of financial support between your board members.
  4. Provide your board members with a copy of the completed chairperson’s statement and instruct them to request payment  by following the procedures on the Board membership page.


Do you have questions about requesting financial support for your student party? Send a mail to lassobeurs@SEA.leidenuniv.nl.

Funding for projects and activities

As well as financial support for board members, your organisation board can also request funding for projects and activities. See the options listed below. 

If your student organisation has an idea that could benefit a wider group of students, you can apply for a CASSA grant.  Grants can be awarded for activities such as excursions, conferences, anniversary celebrations, sports events, shows, concerts, commemorative books and periodicals.

Does your student organisation want to organise an activity that contributes to student development, for example in the area of internationalisation, university democracy, career development or social responsibility? If so, you can apply for a subsidy via the SOS Committee.

Is your organisation planning an activity intended for students from at least three different faculties? If so, you can apply for funding via the IFI. Find out more in the IFI guidelines (in Dutch) or by sending a mail to: aanvraag.ifi@sea.leidenuniv.nl.

Leiden University encourages well-being initiatives that are organised by students, for students. Find out about the types of initiative that qualify for a well-being subsidy and how you can request a subsidy.

What types of initiative?

The well-being subsidy is intended for initiatives that contribute to the well-being of students. For example, initiatives that encourage discussion on the theme of well-being, stimulate personal development, increase mental resilience and awareness, promote an open and safe environment, and contribute to community building or peer support.

The types of initiative that might qualify for a subsidy include workshops, presentations, symposia, support groups and campaigns.

Who can request a subsidy?

You can request a well-being subsidy on behalf of your student organisation or as an individual student or group of students affiliated with Leiden University.

How to apply

Request a subsidy at least 3 weeks before your initiative.

Request form well-being subsidy

As this is a pilot project, you can currently only request well-being subsidies for activities that will take place in the period 1 April to 31 December 2024.


  • The initiative must contribute to the improvement of student well-being.
  • The initiative must be organised by students affiliated with Leiden University.
  • The initiative must be aimed predominantly at Leiden University students but may also be open to students from other educational institutions in Leiden and The Hague.
  • The initiative is not a regular student organisation activity. 
  • You can request a minimum of 150 euro and a maximum of 1000 euro.
  • You may only receive one subsidy per activity.
  • Only limited subsidies can be granted for food and (non-alcoholic) drink and only when appropriate for the initiative in question. 
  • You must request a subsidy at least 3 weeks before the activity.
  • As soon as possible after the initiative (within max. 4 weeks) you must complete the Well-being Subsidy Final Report form.

Also be aware that:

  • Due to limited funds, applications may be denied if your organisation has already been granted one or more well-being subsidy in the current academic year.
  • You may combine the well-being subsidy with other sources of funding for your activity.
  • The subsidy will be paid after the event, based on evidence of actual expenditure. If your activity costs less than anticipated in your application, you will receive less funds. This is known as a guarantee subsidy.

After applying

You will receive a response to your application within 2 weeks.

After completion: Final report

As soon as possible after the initiative (within max. 4 weeks), you must complete the Well-being Subsidy Final Report form.


Send a mail to studentwellbeing@sea.leidenuniv.nl with the title ‘Well-being subsidy’.

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