Universiteit Leiden

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Dignity, respect and well-being

As a board member of a student organisation you will encounter a whole range of situations. Most will be positive challenges but sometimes you might also face difficult situations, for example in the areas of dignity, respect and mental well-being. As a board member, you are in a good position to take preventive action and flag potential problems. In this respect, the university wants to offer you all the advice and support you need.

Advisory Team for Concerning or Threatening Behaviour

Do you think a member of your student organisation has been subjected to concerning or threatening behaviour such as stalking, sexual harassment or threats? Are you worried that a member might pose a danger to themselves or others? Or do you have concerns about a situation involving abusive behaviour in the home? If so, get in touch with the Advisory Team For Concerning or Threatening Behaviour.

Confidential Counsellor

Have you or a member of your student organisation experienced unacceptable behaviour such as (sexual) intimidation, bullying, aggression, violence or discrimination? The Confidential Counsellor for Unacceptable Behaviour can advise you on the best course of action – both in your role as board member or peer listener. The Confidential counsellor has a fully independent position and anything you discuss will remain strictly confidential.

Referring students to other resources: student well-being roadmap

There are many other resources available, both within and outside the university, to help students with their well-being. On the roadmap below you can see where students can turn for a wide range of well-being issues. Post the roadmap on your organisation’s website or share it in your newsletter. Want to receive printed roadmaps for your organisation? Send a mail to studentwellbeing@sea.leidenuniv.nl stating how many you need, in which language (Dutch or English) and your postal address.

Roadmap student well-being

Training courses

The university offers free training courses for board members and key figures within student organisations in the areas of mental well-being, dignity and respect. Your entire student board can also take part in tailor-made group training sessions. Learn more about training courses for student organisations.

Subsidy for well-being activities

Leiden University encourages activities arranged by students, for students, in the area of student well-being. Find out about the types of initiative that qualify and how you can request a student well-being subsidy.


Four times a year, student organisations can receive a quarterly update from the Student Well-being Office. Would your organisation like to receive it? Register by sending an email to studentwellbeing@sea.leidenuniv.nl with the subject line ‘Quarterly update student organisations’.


Do you have questions or comments about the information on this page? Are you on the board of a student organisation and would you like to discuss possible initiatives or collaboration? Get in touch with the Student Well-being Office via studentwellbeing@sea.leidenuniv.nl.

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