Universiteit Leiden

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Faculty and study programme regulations

At faculty and study programme level there are various regulations in place to ensure that everything runs as it should. For example, there are thesis and faculty regulations, as well as rules and guidelines on assessments, exams, degree classifications and plagiarism.

As a student, the most important regulations you will come across in terms of your education are your study programme's ‘Course and Examination Regulations’ (known as OER in Dutch).  

Course and Examination Regulations & Rules and Regulations bachelor's programmes

The main rights and obligations of students are laid down in the Student Charter. The charter comprises two parts. The institutional part is equal for all students at Leiden University.

The programme part of the charter addresses students of a specific degree programme and consists of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER in Dutch) and the e-Prospectus, which is considered to be an appendix of the OER. The OER describes amongst other things the course programme, admission requirements, rules pertaining to the elective scope of the programme, constituent examinations, degree classifications, etc.

In addition to regulations pertaining to the Student Charter, the independent Boards of Examiners draw up the so-called Rules and Regulations set by the Board of Examiners. These Rules and Regulations deal with e.g. order during examinations, assessment, final examination and diploma, and disciplinary measures in case of fraud or plagiarism.

Each student is expected to know the contents of the aforementioned regulations.

At our faculty, both Course and Examination Regulations and Rules and Regulations set by the Board of Examiners have a faculty part that is equal for all Science students and a programme specific part. (The only exception to this are some joint degree programmes offered in collaboration with Delft University of Technology).

In the Study Guide you will find additional information of the bachelor programmes, minors and (optional) courses you can take.

In the Study Guide you will find additional information of the bachelor programmes, minors and (optional) courses you can take.

In the Study Guide you will find additional information of the bachelor programmes, minors and (optional) courses you can take.


In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de studiegidsen (Bijlage 3) van de Universiteit Leiden en TU Delft vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids (bijlage 4) vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de studiegidsen (bijlage 3) van de Universiteit Leiden en TU Delft vind je aanvullende informatie van de bachelorprogramma’s, minoren en (keuze)vakken die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids vind je aanvullende informatie van veel studieprogramma’s en cursussen die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids vind je aanvullende informatie van veel studieprogramma’s en cursussen die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids vind je aanvullende informatie van veel studieprogramma’s en cursussen die je kunt volgen.

Academisch Jaar 2010-2011

In de e-Studiegids vind je aanvullende informatie van veel studieprogramma’s en cursussen die je kunt volgen.

In de e-Studiegids vind je aanvullende informatie van veel studieprogramma’s en cursussen die je kunt volgen.


Academisch Jaar 2008-2009

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen van de Faculteit W&N en van de opleidingen LST en MST, inclusief bijlagen

Academisch Jaar 2007-2008

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen, inclusief bijlagen

Academisch Jaar 2006-2007

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen, inclusief bijlagen

Academisch Jaar 2005-2006

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen, inclusief bijlagen

Academisch Jaar 2004-2005

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen, inclusief bijlagen

Academisch Jaar 2003-2004

Onderwijs- en ExamenRegeling Bacheloropleidingen, inclusief bijlagen

Course and Examination Regulations & Rules and Regulations master's programmes

The main rights and obligations of students are laid down in the Student Charter. The charter comprises two parts. The institutional part is equal for all students at Leiden University.

The programme part of the charter addresses students of a specific degree programme and consists of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER in Dutch) and the e-Prospectus, which is considered to be an appendix of the OER. The OER describes amongst other things the course programme, admission requirements, rules pertaining to the elective scope of the programme, constituent examinations, degree classifications, etc.

In addition to regulations pertaining to the Student Charter, the independent Boards of Examiners draw up the so-called Rules and Regulations set by the Board of Examiners. These Rules and Regulations deal with e.g. order during examinations, assessment, final examination and diploma, and disciplinary measures in case of fraud or plagiarism.

Each student is expected to know the contents of the aforementioned regulations.

At our faculty, both Course and Examination Regulations and Rules and Regulations set by the Board of Examiners have a faculty part that is equal for all Science students and a programme specific part. (The only exception to this are some joint degree programmes offered in collaboration with Delft University of Technology).

In the Study Guide you will find additional information about the Master's programmes, minors and (elective) courses that you can take.

In the Study Guide, (Appendix 2) you will find additional information about the Master's programmes, minors and (elective) courses that you can take.

In the Study Guide, (Appendix 2) you will find additional information about the Master's programmes, minors and (elective) courses that you can take.

In the Study Guide, (Appendix 2) you will find additional information about the Master's programmes, minors and (elective) courses that you can take.

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme


Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices, Course and Examination Regulations for the Life Science & Technology programme and Course and Examination Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the Industrial Ecology programme

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the NanoScience programme

Rules and Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Rules and Regulations for the NanoScience programme

Academic Year 2010-2011

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the NanoScience programme

Academic Year 2009-2010

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices and Course and Examination Regulations for the NanoScience programme

Academic Year 2008-2009

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices, Course and Examination Regulations for the Life Science & Technology programme and Course and Examination Regulations for the NanoScience programme

Academic Year 2007-2008

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices

Academic Year 2006-2007

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices

Academic Year 2005-2006

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices

Academic Year 2004-2005

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices

Academic Year 2003-2004

Course and Examination Regulations Master’s Programmes, including appendices

Please visit the Graduate School website for more information.

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