Universiteit Leiden

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Kunst en vrije tijd - Schrijven

Free verse poetry writing (English spoken)

Thursday from 18:30-21:00 h (plus homework)

Helena Grande

For whom
Anyone interested in writing and experimenting with poetry.

This writing class is for anyone interested in experimenting with poetry. We will create a relaxed environment to explore different aspects of poetry in its free form: from the basics of line breaks and the use of negative space on the page to how to work with found text, personal archives, tarot cards or the shopping list. In this course, poetry won’t be limited to a classic form. We’ll also consider new ways of engaging with our surroundings and how to register the feelings and sensations that come from sounds, textures and images.
Each week we will pair readings with exercises and prompts aiming to write and give each other feedback during class, so usually there won’t be homework. The exercises will take inspiration from authors such as CAConrad, David Horvitz, J. M. Farkas, Sandra Cisneros, and Sei Shōnagon among others.
This writing course invites us to create a safe space to play with words, share our writing, and lose the fear of failure when it comes to writing poetry. 

Week 1 Black Out Poetry: Negative Space and Typography
Week 2 Listening: A Somatic Poetry Practice 
Week 3 A Different Perspective: Objects and Images
Week 4 Tarot Reading as A Generative Tool for Writing
Week 5 Lists and Instructions: Everyday Life and Unexpected Poetry
Week 6 Memories We Carry in Our Pockets 

Max 8 participants

Helena Grande is a writer, curator, and educator. She is the author of the flash fiction collection titled Speech Choke (2020). Her writing has appeared in Dostoyevsky Wannabe, Fictional Journal, nY, and diSONARE among others. helena holds an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School in New York and her work has received support from Het Cultuurfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, The New School, and WriteOn NYC. She is currently working on a novel about belonging and loss. 

Please contact info@lakcursussen.nl if you have troubles registering for the courses. You can also give us a call at 071 527 2317 

Through registering you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the LAK.

Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be decided a week before the start).

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