Dealing with stress, failure and overthinking
- Datum
- donderdag 13 maart 2025
- Tijd
- Bezoekadres
Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden - Zaal
- Corrie Bakelszaal
This workshop will teach you some practical tools and insights to use when stress takes over, when fear of failure comes up or when you keep overthinking your own actions or thoughts.
We will work together in a small group to learn more about stress regulation techniques and gain insight on how you can help yourself to minimize fear of failure and overthinking.
This will take place in the Corry Bakelzaal on March 13th between 13.00 – 16.00 hour. We start 13.00 sharp! There is space for a maximum of 20 students.
If you have questions or are in doubt whether this could be for you, please contact
There is space for a maximum of 20 students, so register today!