Seminar: POPNET Connects with Ágnes Backhausz
- Datum
- maandag 21 november 2022
- Tijd
- Bezoekadres
- Online
The impact of spatial and social structure on an SIR epidemic on a weighted multilayer network
The household model defined and analyzed by Frank Ball consists of households (small cliques of the same size), connected to each other with edges of smaller weight. However, this model does not include dense clusters other than the households themselves, hence, for example, school classes are not represented. Starting from this, in the current work we were interested in the behaviour of an SIR process on a more complex random graph model, based on the layer of households, a layer of schools and workplaces, the layer representing the spatial structure and a fourth layer representing communal places. We studied the sensitivity of the model for the different parameters, looked for estimates of the parameters in a simpler case, and compared different vaccination strategies. Our model and the main results will be presented in the talk.
Joint work with István Z. Kiss, Péter L. Simon and György Székely.
About Ágnes Backhausz
Ágnes Backhausz obtained her PhD in 2013 at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, with a thesis on preferential attachment random graphs. As a postdoctoral researcher, she spent two years at Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, working in the “Limits of Structures” research group. Her research topic includes random graphs, graph limit theory, and more recently epidemic spread on random networks. Currently she is an assistant professor at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, and also a research fellow at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics.