SAILS/ LIBC - Hackathon Computational Psychometrics
- Datum
- vrijdag 13 mei 2022
- Tijd
- Bezoekadres
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden - Zaal
- kamers 407-409
Hackathon Computational Psychometrics
Fundamentally, this hackathon is about human and artificial intelligence. Human intelligence is commonly measured by means of an IQ test, quantifying the intellectual capabilities of a person in different domains such as analogical reasoning, vocabulary, processing speed, and general knowledge. Let’s see how far we get in getting a computer to show some of the same capabilities.
In this hackathon, each team will create a computer program that can solve non-verbal IQ test items similar to Raven’s Progressive Matrices. At the start of the event, we will provide you with 10 training items (puzzles and the correct answer in PNG format). At the end, we will test each team’s solution on 20 unseen test items. The team that can solve most puzzles will win the hackathon. This is an unsolved problem and an active field of research, so we do not expect any teams to get a perfect score (although that would be a great paper).
Approximate schedule
17:00–17:30 Welcome and introduction of teams
17:30–19:00 Release of training items and programming
19:00–19:45 Pizza and drinks
19:45–23:00 Programming
23:00–00:00 Testing of solutions with test items and high-fiving the winning team
Food in the form of pizza (also vegetarian) and snacks will be provided. Drinks in the form of beer and soft drinks (also water) will be provided.
Note that the event ends at midnight. It may be a good idea to check your return trip home and/or get an OV-fiets.
Participation is open to teams consisting of 1 to 4 individuals from the Leiden academic community, from BA/BSc students to professors. It’s no problem if some team members are not affiliated with Leiden University, so feel free to register with your housemates or friends. We encourage mixed-seniority teams and interdisciplinary teams to apply.
Participation is free for all participants.
This hackathon will be held on location only.
You are expected to bring your own computer device. Power outlets and access to eduroam and Leiden University WiFi are available.
What is the deliverable?
You will create a computer program that can solve Raven’s Progressive Matrices-like puzzles. 2×2 puzzles will be provided as 3 PNG files, with 6 PNG files as possible answers. 3×3 puzzles will be provided as 8 PNG files, with 8 PNG files as possible answers. Given the input files for a specific puzzle, your program should print the file name of the correct answer to console (or stdout).