114 zoekresultaten voor “there” in de Medewerkerswebsite
Are we there yet?
AI in education meet-up: Create your teacher materials more efficiently with the help of AI
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling, Didactiek
Getting around
The Netherlands have an excellent public transport system. You can get almost everywhere by train, bus or tram. All you need is an OV-chipkaart. When it comes to getting around in Leiden it might be worth to consider buying a (secondhand) bike. Do you prefer travelling by car? You will find more on…
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague
Studievoorlichting, On Campus Experience
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Private accommodation
If you are not eligible for university owned accommodation or if you prefer to buy or rent your own property there are a few things to take into consideration. The Service Centre International Staff can help you as well.
Immigration and requirements
If you wish to come to the Netherlands there are certain immigration procedures you need to follow. The Service Centre International Staff will help you with all of these. We will provide you with checklists, an immigration wizard and an overview of all immigration requirements. This way you will be…
Social life and settling in
When you decide to move to the Netherlands and bring along your family there is a great deal that needs to be taken care of. We will provide some information on schools, childcare and learning Dutch to help you settle in in the Netherlands.
Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2, Leiden
Webinar: Is LUC for me?
Studievoorlichting, Webinar
Taxes and social security
When moving to the Netherlands, it is important to know whether you are considered resident tax payer or non-resident. Both residents and non-residents are taxed on their taxable income. A number of criteria help determine your status as resident or non-resident.
Student Assistant to assist the project Making up Migrants / Disabilities - 0,2fte / six months
Rechtsgeleerdheid, Instituut voor Metajuridica, Van Vollenhoven Instituut
An introduction to poetry (English spoken)
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
The Dual Career Programme (DCP)
Leiden University offers a Dual Career Programme (DCP) to assist the life partners of new academic staff (on pay-roll) in finding employment in The Netherlands. The programme is offered in close cooperation with nearby universities of Delft and Rotterdam.
Education of your children
In the Netherlands children attend school from the age of 4 and are legally required to do so from the age of 5. Elementary school, or primary education (basisschool), lasts 8 years.
University managed accommodation
Leiden University offers housing facilities for international PhD's and other visiting academic staff. Read about the application process for university housing. If you need tenants for your apartment or family house in Leiden and its surrounding area, we will gladly help you rent it to our international…
Leer Nieuw-Grieks in Athene
Vloeronderhoud in het Van Steenisgebouw
- Krijg je een nieuw teamlid? Bekijk de Onboarding Quick Guide voor Archeologie
Vraag een Museums, Collections and Society scholarship aan
Keynote speech Lord Richardson Advanced Masters
Keynote speech Lord Richardson Advanced Masters
Evenement: Duitsland na de verkiezingen
Vijf vragen over het evenement ‘Duitsland na de verkiezingen: gevolgen voor het buitenlands beleid en de Europese veiligheid’, beantwoord door een van de deskundigen, Joachim Koops. Kom langs op de Spaanse Trappen in Wijnhaven op vrijdag 15 oktober of doe online mee (link onderaan).
Doneer je boeken voor de tweedehands boekenmarkt van L.A.S. Terra
Health insurance
Are you an international researcher working for Leiden University? Please note that you probably are legally obliged to take out health insurance. Here you will find if you need a public or a private health insurance, and how to apply for it.
Private lessons for guitar and ukelele | English spoken
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
DH Winter School & DH Pilot Project Symposium
Symposium and Workshops
- Meld je aan voor Graduate Masterclass: The Classical Body Exposed
- Update over sluiting Van Steenis: gebouw heropent mogelijk op woensdag
Information sessions for studying in the US
- Van Steenis building closed on Saturday November 2
Top Downloaded Article!
We are excited to share that the article, Does pre‐packed bankruptcy create value? An empirical study of post-bankruptcy employment retention in The Netherlands, by our colleagues, Jan Adriaanse, Jean-Pierre van der Rest, Gert-Jan Boon, and Reinout Vriesendorp, published in the International Insolvency…
Research Support Officer (1 fte)
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Taarique geeft les in carrièreplanning maar wil niet dat studenten hun toekomst te strak uitstippelen: ‘Blijf experimenteren’
In de rubriek ‘Onderwijsheden’ delen Psychologiedocenten hun belangrijkste inzichten over college geven. Deze maand: Taarique Debidin vindt contact maken met elkaar belangrijker dan stof stampen. ‘Als ik een formele docent zou zijn, haal ik daar geen energie uit.’
better university and society. What do those look like and how do we get there?
Newsletter Student Support FSW June 2022
This Student Support FSW newsletter tells you all about the services provided by the FSW POPcorner, Career Service, and Community Engagement Service. You can read about upcoming activities and vacancies, and pick up tips on study skills, personal and professional development, student well-being, study…
- Kom in beweging voor het hoger onderwijs: Laat je stem horen tegen de bezuinigingen
eLaw Alumnus wins European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ at CPDP
Taner Kuru, an eLaw alumnus, was awarded the prestigious European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ for his paper on the shortcomings in the GDPR for the regulation of genetic testing at the prestigious Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP).
Twenty years of MIRD: four alumni speak up
Big celebration upcoming weekend: MIRD's 20th anniversary is on the cards. Four alumni from different periods tell what this unique two-year master's in International Relations and Diplomacy has brought them.
Getalenteerde CML’ers ontvangen Stans Awards 2024
CML reikt elk jaar drie Stans Awards uit: de beste studentenscriptie, beste PhD paper en beste outreach van het afgelopen jaar. De medewerkers van het CML nomineerden studenten en collega's en de jury, bestaande uit Prof.dr.ing. Jan Willem Erisman en Prof.dr.ir Willie Peijnenburg, namen de uiteindelijke…
Ukraine Symposium - Turning Point
Eerste ervaringen met digitaal toetsplatform ANS
In het tweede semester van dit collegejaar (februari 2025) stapt de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen over naar Ans voor digitaal toetsen. Enkele docenten hebben bij wijze van pilot al praktijkervaring opgedaan met het nieuwe systeem. Docenten van Dutch Studies Liesbet Winkelmolen en Myra Arends delen…
Mensen denken met hun lichaam
Wat maakt het lichaam? Veranderen woorden de werkelijkheid? Deze en andere vragen kwamen aan de orde op de ICLON-nascholingsdag Filosofie over het examenthema ‘De vraag naar de mens in relatie tot techniek en wetenschap’.
Getalenteerde CML’ers ontvangen Stans Awards
Elk jaar reikt het CML drie Stans Awards uit. Medewerkers konden studenten en collega's nomineren voor de prijzen: beste studentenscriptie, beste PhD paper en beste outreach van het afgelopen jaar. Juryleden Jan Willem Erisman en Nicole de Voogd maakten de uiteindelijke keuze.
Cleveringa Meeting Leiden 2022
Alumni-activiteit, Debat
Politics and Policy Pre-Analysis Plan (PAP2) Workshop
LCN2 Seminar March 2023
Maak kennis met de Faculteitsraad van Archeologie
Dutch Network Science Society Symposium 2022