1,121 zoekresultaten voor “specifiek force” in de Publieke website
Cellular Forces: Adhering, Shaping, Sensing and Dividing
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt
Strategic Task Forces
Una Europa heeft zes transversale thema’s vastgesteld en ingevoerd als leidende beginselen voor samenwerking. Deze thema’s hebben als doel het personeel en de studenten van Una Europa te helpen deze thema's in concrete acties om te zetten.
The lead zeppelin: a force sensor without a handle
Promotor: T. H. Oosterkamp
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
Forces and symmetries in cells and tissues
The way organisms develop from the initial single-cellular state to a complex final assembly like the human body, and how the final body is maintained throughout life, is one of the greatest mysteries and it’s understanding one of the biggest scientific challenges.
Magnetic resonance force microscopy for condensed matter
In this thesis, we show how MRFM can usefully contribute to the field of condensed-matter.
Nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy at millikelvin temperatures
Promotor: T.H. Oosterkamp
Advances in SQUID-detected Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
In this thesis, we describe the latest advances in SQUID-detected Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM).
Digital Force: Life, Liberty & Livelihood in the Information Age
Op 9 mei 2018 verdedigde Roy van Keulen zijn proefschrift 'Digital Force: Life, Liberty & Livelihood in the Information Age'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. A. Ellian.
Land rights and the forces of adat in democratizing Indonesia
Op 9 januari 2019 verdedigde Willem van der Muur zijn proefschrift 'Land rights and the forces of adat in democratizing Indonesia'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. A.W. Bedner en prof. dr. J.M. Otto.
Force sensing and transmission in human induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived pericytes
Pericytes, the mural cells of blood microvessels, are important regulators of vascular morphogenesis and function that have been postulated to mechanically control microvascular diameter through as yet unknown mechanisms.
into microtubule catastrophes: the effect of end-binding proteins and force
For each living organism health is ensured by correct functioning of its cells. Cells therefore have elaborate methods for regulation of their proteins.
Nucleosome stacking in chromatin fibers probed with single-molecule force- and torque-spectroscopy
In human cells, a meter-long DNA is condensed inside a micrometer-sized cell nucleus. Simultaneously, the genetic code must remain accessible for its replication and transcription to functional proteins.
Jentzsch, Auxiliary Armed Forces and Innovations in Security Governance in Mozambique’s Civil War
Political scientist Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University) about the organisation of rebel and government auxiliaries in the civil war in Mozambique (1976–1992).
Regulation of actomyosin contraction as a driving force of invasive lobular breast cancer
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models and a variety of cell-culture based assays to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the development and treatment of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC).
A Tale of Two Mosuls, The resurrection of the Iraqi armed forces and the military defeat of ISIS
Een verhaal van Twee Mosuls, De wederopstand van de Irakese strijdkrachten en de militaire nederlaag van ISIS. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in het Journal of Strategic Studies, bespreken de auteurs Maarten Broekhof, Martijn Kitzen en Frans Osinga de militaire aanpassing door de Iraakse strijdkrachten…
trampoline resonator and the effect of superconductivity on the Casimir force
This thesis consists of two subjects, that are both a consequence of radiation pressure.
Single cell mechanics for disease biology and pharmacology
In this thesis, we describe the potential of cell mechanical phenotyping for immune cell characterization, diagnosis, drug testing, as well as treatment of disease.
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: S. J.T. van Noort
Jorrit Rijpma neemt deel aan het CEPS Task Force European Border and Coast Guard
Op 21 juni sprak Jorrit Rijpma op de eerste bijeenkomst van het Task Force over een Europese Grens- en Kustwacht, opgericht door het Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussel.
Topological decoding of biomolecular fold complexity
Biological polymers, including proteins and the genome, undergo folding processes crucial for their proper functioning. Even slight changes in the folding structure of these biopolymers can have significant implications, leading to the development of various pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative…
Role of integrin adhesions in cellular mechanotransduction
Promotor: B. vd Water, T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
Vaccination and Targeted Therapy Using Liposomes; Opportunities for Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Cancer
This thesis focuses on using liposomes in two different treatment strategies; vaccination (or immunotherapy) and delivery of a small molecule, and in two different disease models; cancer and atherosclerosis.
The structure of a working catalyst: from flat surfaces to nanoparticles
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.W.M. Frenken
The forces behind the faces
Systematics, Epidermal defense and Bioprospecting of Wild Orchids
This thesis presents the systematics, epidermal defense, and bioprospecting of wild orchids.
Pair configurations to molecular activity coefficients: PAC-MAC
This thesis provides an overview of the development of the Pair Configuration to Molecular Activity Coefficient (PAC-MAC) model.
Surprising vacuum forces in a superconductor
Lezing, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Forces and Symmetries in Cells and Tissues
Lipid mediated colloidal interactions
The lipid membrane is a basic structural component of all living cells. Embedded in this nanometer-thin barrier, membrane proteins shape the membrane and at the same time respond to the shape of the membrane.
Applications of graphene in nanotechnology : 1D diffusion, current drag and nanoelectrodes
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are used as a current carrying substrate in investigation of current-induced forces in a low-temperature STM (chapter 2).
Exploring the Edge
At the largest scales, two ingredients dictate the distribution of matter in the Universe. The first is dark matter, acting as an invisible scaffolding held together by gravitational forces.
Specifiek eiwit in de hoofdrol bij ziekte van Parkinson
Met elektronspins hebben natuurkundigen het bindingsproces onderzocht van het eiwit α-synucleïne, dat wordt geassocieerd met de ziekte van Parkinson. Wat blijkt is dat het eiwit op een verrassend efficiënte manier bindt aan een hersenmembraan. Met deze in Leiden ontwikkelde methode hebben de onderzoekers…
A well-established harmony in chaos: from isolated galaxies to galaxy clusters
The origin and evolution of galaxies are closely linked to many different physical phenomena.
Growth-induced self-organization in bacterial colonies
Mechanical forces are known to play an important role in bacterial colonies. In this dissertation, we study the self-organization at various stages of growing bacterial colonies, and focus on the mechanical effects of cell growth.
Interactions from lipid membrane deformations
Biological cells, the basic building blocks of all life forms, are surrounded by a lipid membrane. More than half of the membrane is occupied by membrane proteins, which can regulate the cell functionality through specific arrangements.
Multiscale mathematical biology of cell-extracellular matrix interactions during morphogenesis
During embryonic growth, cells proliferate, differentiate, and collectively migrate to form different tissues at the right position and time in the body.
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
Calculated Moves: Generating Air Combat Behaviour
By training with virtual opponents known as computer generated forces (CGFs), trainee fighter pilots can build the experience necessary for air combat operations, at a fraction of the cost of training with real aircraft.
Una Europa-gemeenschap in Leiden
De Universiteit Leiden is sinds januari 2023 actief betrokken bij de alliantie.
Dynamics and radiation from tidal disruption events
When a star gets too close to a supermassive black hole, it is torn apart by strong tidal forces in a tidal disruption event (TDE).
Computed fingertip touch for the instrumental control of musical sound with an excursion on the computed retinal afterimage
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Haring
Force sensing and transmission in human induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived pericytes
Anisotropy in cell mechanics
Mechanical interactions between cells and their environment play an important role in many biological processes.
Voor wetenschappelijk personeel
Una Europa biedt veel verschillende mogelijkheden voor Leidse academici.
Voor ondersteunend personeel
Una Europa biedt veel mogelijkheden voor ondersteunend personeel.
Hoe klimaatverandering immaterieel erfgoed beïnvloedt: ‘Specifiek materiaal om instrumenten te bouwen verdwijnt’
Wat hebben klimaatverandering en traditionele Japanse muziek met elkaar te maken? Veel, vermoedt universitair docent Andrea Giolai. Hij krijgt een NWO-beurs om de relatie verder uit te diepen.
PhD Position(s): Assessing the molecular structure of electrochemical interfaces
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Mechano-transduction mediated by integrin-based adhesion complexes: integration of cytoskeleton and adhesion dynamics
In this thesis, we focus on novel proteins/mechanisms that regulate integrin-adhesion mediated mechano-transduction.
Evolutionary molecular dynamics
This thesis introduces the concept of